2 Months
Looks at their parent, begins to smile at people, turns head towards sounds. -
4 Months
Smiles spontaneously especially at people, likes to play with people and sometimes cries when they stop. -
6 Months
Knows familiar faces and starts to know if someone is a stranger. Looks at self in the mirror. Responds to sounds by making sounds. -
9 Months
Understands NO. Maybe be clingy to adults. Has favorite toys. -
1 Year old
Shy and nervous around strangers. Cries when parents leave. Shows fear in situations. -
18 Months
Temper tantrums, may be afraid of strangers, and shows affection to certain people -
2 Years old
Copies others especially adults. More independent. Shows defiant behavior. -
3 Years old
Shows affection, shows emotions, dresses and undresses. -
4 Years old
Says mom and dad, enjoys doing new things, Is more creative. -
5 Years old
Wants to please friends, wants to be liked, more likely to agree with rules.