Samara Tortolero
Kansas City, MO -
4 Months
PHYSICAL DEVELOP - Follows moving object or person with eyes
COGNITIVE DEVELOP - Explores objects with mouth -
8 Months
PHYSICAL DEVELOP - True eye color is esyablised
SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL DEVELOP - Respond to its own name
COGNITIVE DEVELOP - Cries depending on needs -
12 Months
PHYSICAL DEVELOP - Enjoys opening and closing cabinets
SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL DEVELOP - Likes to watch self in mirror
COGNITIVE DEVELOP - Says first words -
12-18 Months
PHYSICAL DEVELOP - Enjoys carrying small objects
SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL DEVELOP - Becomes upset when separated from parent
COGNITIVE DEVELOP - Says 8-20 understandable words -
18 to 24 Months
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOP - likes to imitate parent's actions
PHYSICAL DEVELOP - feeds self with spoon
COGNITIVE DEVELOP - uses 2-3 word sentences -
2 years old
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOP - Acts shy around others
PHYSICAL DEVELOP - Opens cabinets/drawers
COGNITIVE DEVELOP - enjoys simple stories, rhymes or songs -
3 Years Old
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOP - Seeks attention and approval of adults
PHYSICAL DEVELOP - Dresses self with some help
COGNITIVE DEVELOP - 75-80% of speech is understandable -
4 Years Old
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOP: Enjoys playing with other children
COGNITIVE DEVELOP: Can place objects from small to largest
PHYSICAL DEVELOP: Stacks 10 or more blocks -
5 Years Old
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOP: Invents games with simple rules
COGNITIVE DEVELOP: Understands about 13,000 words
PHYSICAL DEVELOP: May be able to tie shoe lace -
6-8 Years Old
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOP: Friends become very important
COGNITIVE DEVELOP: Enjoys planning and building
PHYSICAL DEVELOP: Skilled at using scissors etc. -
9-11 Years Old
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOP: May defy adult's authority
COGNITIVE DEVELOP: Intereted in reading
PHYSICAL DEVELOP: Generally girls are more mature than boys (2 years)