I Was Born ^.^)/
I Was born in kansas city Kansas at providence madical hospital. i was born a healthy 9 month baby. -
On my fourth anniversary
By four months i weighed 10-18 lbs and responded to peek-a- boo games but cried to communicate pain, fear, discomfort, of lonliness. I also started to explore objects with my mouth. -
On my eight anniversary
After 8 omnths after i was born my first tooth began to appear and i started recognizeing familiar voices and sounds i new the difference between my mommys voice and my daddys. I finally began to resspnd to my own name that my parents gave me... Cynthia.! -
My First birthday.! ^.^)/
On my first birthdsy I could already crawl well enough to go every wheere and walk and stand up with the support of the furniture around me. I could already clap my friends and wave good bye if you prompt me. I also started immitating what everuone else did sucha s drinking in a cupinstead of bottle and talking on the phone! c: -
18-24 months
By this age i began showing signs of independece by saying "no" to things I didn't want. My vocabulary grew even more, i startedspeaking 2-3 word sentences. i wold often talk to myself to myself or tried singing. i likec to explore around and get into everything so i required a lot of adult supervision.i could walk and run well with the help of the furniture but i couldnt always stop and turn well. -
2 years
when i was 2 years old i would offer toys to other children but then want them back. ever since my teeth sarted growing i grew moew and i had almost a full set of teethby now. i could ecognize and remember body parts and point to my eyes, ear, or nose when i was asked. -
12-18 months
When i was 18 months my paretns had less touble with me because i could already point out to indicate what i wanted. I started being all over the place and making a big mess my hands would always touch and throw things around. My vocabulary was growiing as well i couldnow say 8-20 understandable words. I was growing but i became upset when i was seperated from my parents. -
3 years
i would sometimes stumble over words but 75-80 percent of my speech was understandable. I slept through most of the night without wetting the bed but ther were occasions were ther were a few accidents. I was attached to both my parents, I loved them both but i showed more preference to my dad and i was his littel princess. ^.^ -
4 years
I had already learned a lot by 4 years, i recognized shapes, colors, and letters. I also learned how to pedal a tricycle skillfully. i leared lots of new things to brag with other kids. I ejoyed playing with them, we would take turns and shared our toys most of the time but i was still bossy. /,\ -
5 years
I was still a bossy little girl and liked feeling older than others but i often got upset and needed time to be alone. I required about 1700 calories daily an di was interested in performing tricks. I understood 1300 words and i often use them to create and tell storiesor argued and reasoned using words like "because". -
6-8 years
Even though most kids by this age have a best friend and enemy, i had my best friend at age 5 and we're still best friends. I saw things as black and white, right or wrong, wonderful or terrible, with very little middle ground a few things were still new to me. I developed my permanent teeth and liked testing my muscles strenght and balance. My major interest became reading, i read everday after school and read for my parents. -
9-11 years
At school with friends we made rituals, rules, secret codes,and made up langueages so we could trust each other with secrets. But i leared that my parents were the authority figures as falliable human beings. We girls are 2 years ahead of boys in physical maturity. Some girls begin to menstruate. I began interested in discussing my future career as being a doctor.