Child Development, Bianca Hurtado, HR-3

By Biancah
  • Born

    I was born on March 20
  • 4 Months

    I weighed 10 pounds and i was 23 inches long. I slept 16 hous daily. I crie when when i am in pain or discomfort. I turn my head to see bright lights and colors.
  • 8 months

    I am wieghing 16 pounds and at 26 inches long. My firs teeth are comming out. I can recognize familiar voices and sounds. I can now respond when my name is called. I spend time observing and just watching.
  • 12 Months

    Weigh 25 pounds and i am 29 inches long. I saind my first word. I crawl. I put myself into standing position. I respond when my name is said. I like drinking from cups.
  • 15 Months

    I weigh 28 poiunds and am 30 inches long. I now can walk without help. I hand objects to other people. I say 18-20 words. I say hi and bye when i am told.
  • 18 Months

    I weigh 29 pounds and am 31 inches long. I become seperated when i am not with my parents. I play alone with toys. I paly peek-a-boo. i can crawl well. i say 8-20 words.
  • 21 Months

    Weight 32 pounds. Hieght 33 inches. I can say a sentence with 2 to 3 words. i loke looking at picture books. I like to run around but cant stop. I open cabnites and drawers.
  • 2 Years Old

    Wiegh 35 pounds. Hieght of 36 inches. I walk up and down the stairs using the railling. I almost have all of my teeth. I say the name of some toys.I like stories.
  • 3 Years Old

    I weigh 37 pounds and am 39 inches long. i sleep 10-12 hours a day. I have all my baby teeth. I can say some colors. I say my age.
  • 4 Years Old.

    Weight 42 pounds. Hieght 44 inches. I can feed myself. I can dress myself.
  • 5 years Old

    wieght- 45 pounds
    hieght 46 inches
    Seleep 11 hours
    I am lossing baby teeth
    I fear loud noises sometimes
  • 8 Years Old

    I like to copy shapes.
    Can print name
    i like building things
  • 9 years old.

    i lkie to join clubs.
    have body strenth
    intrested in reading
    likes magazines.
  • 11 Years Old.

    Began to menstrutate.
    Like discussing about future carrer.
    I make up secret codes with friends.