Child Development

  • Fertilization

    This is a physical development in which a sperm meets an ovum in the fallopian tube and join together to make a zygote. A zygote is a single celled organism. Picture URL:
  • Germinal Stage

    Germinal Stage
    This stage occurs after fertilization and lasts about a couple of weeks. It is a physical development in which the zygote undergoes cell division. This causes the zygote to grow and the number of its cells increases significantly. The zygote is now called a blastocyst. During this cell division the blastocyst travels to the uterus where it gets implanted in the wall of the uterus. Picture URL:
  • Embryonic Stage

    Embryonic Stage
    This is a physical development that occurs between the second week and eight week. Now, the blastocyst is called an embryo. The embryo is made up of three different layers, the ectoderm, endoderm, and the mesoderm. Each of these different layers will to begin develop major organs such as the brain as well as other basic anatomy structures such as the bones. As the embryo grows it has a tail and an enormous misshaped head.
    Picture URL:
  • Fetal Stage

    Fetal Stage
    This stage occurs during the eight week until birth and the embryo is now called a fetus. It is a physical development in which the fetus undergoes many physical changes. The major organs such as the brain are beginning to be differentiated and they begin to function. The sex organs begin to appear by the third month. In addition the by the fourth month the fetus can also do many types of activities such as kicking, moving and hiccupping. Picture URL:
  • Period: to

    Child Development

    Description of the different stages of a child's development.
  • Crawling (Development of Gross Motor Skills)

    Crawling (Development of Gross Motor Skills)
    This is a physical development in which an infant is able to crawl. Crawling usually appears between 8-10 months of age. This is one of the many milestones of motor development in infants. Picture URL:
  • Walking (Development of Gross Motor Skills)

    Walking (Development of Gross Motor Skills)
    This is a physical development in which an infant takes its first steps. This occurs usually at the ninth month and at about one year of age an infant can walk well. Picture URL:
  • First Words

    First Words
    This is a cognitive development in which an infant speaks its first words. The first words of an infant are usually "Mama" and or "Dada." First words usually occur around the tenth to fourteenth month of age. The sounds of these first words can be used to ask for a variety of things. Picture URL:
  • Deferred Imitation (Piaget's sixth substage of cognitive development)

    Deferred Imitation (Piaget's sixth substage of cognitive development)
    This is a cognitive development in which an infant imitates an action that was previously witnessed. For example, an infant pretends to feed a doll. This milestone is the last sub-stage of Piaget's sensorimotor period, which proves that children can indeed form mental representations. Deferred imitation usually occurs between 18 months to 2 years of age. Picture URL:
  • Telegraphic Speech

    Telegraphic Speech
    This is a cognitive development in which the toddler can communicate but leaves out words. For example the child might say, “Do-again.” This is a milestone in language development, which can occur in children 2 years of age and older. Picture URL:
  • Self Awareness

    Self Awareness
    This is a socio-emotional development in which the child has self knowledge. In others words they have self recognition. At around 18 to 24 months of age children are aware of their physical characteristics and their capabilities. Picture URL:
  • Jumping (Development of Gross Motor Skills)

    Jumping (Development of Gross Motor Skills)
    This is a physical development in which a child can jump in place. This is a gross motor skill that is developed usually at about 23.8 months of age. Picture URL:
  • Independently Drinking From a Cup (Development of Fine Motor Skills)

    Independently Drinking From a Cup (Development of Fine Motor Skills)
    This is a physical development in which a child's fine motor skills are developed enough to hold a cup and drink from it without spilling the contents. This fine motor skill can be developed by the age of two. Picture URL:
  • Toilet Trained

    Toilet Trained
    This is a physical development in which a child is toilet trained. The signs for being ready to start being toilet trained vary amongst children; some can even start as soon as 18 months. Children are usually able to stay dry both day and night after five years of age. Picture URL:
  • Erikson’s Initiative-Versus-Guilt Stage

    Erikson’s Initiative-Versus-Guilt Stage
    This is a socio-emotional development in which a child’s view of themselves changes because they encounter conflicts with wanting to be independent by doing things on their own and feeling guilty if they fail doing so. This usually starts at age three and lasts until age six. This is the third stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development. Picture URL:
  • Prints Name (Fine Motor Skill)

    Prints Name (Fine Motor Skill)
    This is a physical development in which a child is able to write their name. This usually occurs around the age of four. Picture URL:
  • Learn to Ride a Bike (Gross Motor Skill)

    Learn to Ride a Bike (Gross Motor Skill)
    This is a physical development in which a child can learn to ride a bike because they have gained more control of their muscles. This can usually occur around age five. Picture URL:
  • Using Each Hand Independently (Fine Motor Skills)

    Using Each Hand Independently (Fine Motor Skills)
    This is a physical development in which a child can use each of their hands independently. This usually occurs by the age of 8. Picture URL:
  • Reading Aloud Fluently

    Reading Aloud Fluently
    This is a cognitive development in which a child can read aloud fluently but they do not necessarily attach meaning to the words. This usually occurs around second and third grade. This is stage two of the development of reading skills. Picture URL:
  • Basing Friendship on Trust

    Basing Friendship on Trust
    This is a socio-emotional development in which a child bases their friendships on mutual trust. This is the second of the developmental psychologist William Damon’s three stages of friendship. This usually occurs around age 8 to age 10. Picture URL:
  • Height (Growing Taller)

    Height (Growing Taller)
    This is a physical development in which a child grows about two to three inches a year. The average height for girls at age 11 is four feet, 10 inches. The average height for boys is 4 feet, 9 ½ inches. Picture URL:
  • Identity-Versus-Identity Confusion Stage

    Identity-Versus-Identity Confusion Stage
    This is one of Erikson’s stages of socio-emotional development. In this stage an adolescent develops an awareness of their uniqueness of self. They seek a suitable identity, which can be done by looking around and observing other individuals in society such as their friends. Sometimes this can lead them the wrong way in which they are not able to identify with an appropriate role in life. Picture URL:
  • Puberty

    This is a physical development in which the sexual organs start to mature. This begins when the pituitary gland signals other glands in the body to starting producing the sex hormones that are needed for this development. Males and females both produce androgens and estrogens but males produce a larger amount of androgens and females estrogens. In general, females start puberty earlier than males. Picture URL:
  • Sexual Intimacy

    Sexual Intimacy
    This is a socio-emotional development in which an adolescent participates in sexual behavior. This includes a variety of activities such as touching, deep kissing, massaging, oral sex and intercourse. This is considered an important milestone for adolescents. Seventeen is the average age that an individual has sexual intercourse. Picture URL:
  • College

    This is a cognitive development in which an adolescent is college bound. This is a huge accomplishment and shows the interest of an adolescent to gain more knowledge in hopes of having a career and be successful. Picture URL: