The Spinning Jenny
James Hargreaves, a British carpenter and weaver, invents the spinning jenny. -
Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution began in Great Britain and it wasn't until about a decade later that it reached the western civilization. It was a period of great advancement in the working world. -
The Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney creates a machine that makes it much easier to separate cotton seeds from cotton fiber, he calls it the Cotton Gin -
This was a period after the industrial revolution and the era of revolution, this focused on feelings, imagination, emotion, and individuality -
The First Battery
Voltaic invents the first true battery known as the voltaic pile -
Technological Revolution
This was known as the second industrial revolution, through its advancements in manufacturing and production technology it was a much faster paced working world and this started a whole new era of ideas. -
Steam Locomotive
Richard Trevithick was a British inventor and he is the father of the steam locomotive -
Invention of the Paddle boat
Robert Fulton an american inventor invents the first paddle-wheel steam boat -
Congress of Vienna
Great Britain,Austria, Prussia, and Russia met to sign a peace treaty -
Mexican war for Independince
Inspired by the age of Enlightenment the Mexican war for independence was a political seperation of mexico from spain -
Opium War
This was a war between China and the British the chines where suppressing the opium from the British traders and a war was fought over it. -
Woman's Rights
A number of woman in England and the United States argued for the rights to vote, divorce, and own land. -
The Telegraph
Samuel Morse invents the telegraph, which allows messages to be sent quickly over a wire. His Telegraph sets a broad look into the future. -
Napoleon III
Louis-Napoleon assumes the title of Napoleon III -
Otton von Bismarck
By striking fear into his enemies and manipulating them he was able to expand the country of German. -
Emancipation Edict
Czar Alexander II issued a emancipation edict that freed serfs and allowed peasants to own land and marry freely -
American Civil war
An Internal war is fought between the north and south side of america both sides having their own political beliefs, causing the bloodiest wars known to the United States -
13th Ammendment
This amendment had the ultimate goal of abolishing slavery -
Many authors and painters where straying from the old ways of the Renaissance and making works very abstract and different in perspective -
Edison Electric Light Company
Thomas Edison the father of the light bulb forms the Edison Illuminating Company in New York -
Sino-Japanese War
Japan and China go to war for the control of Korea -
The Invention of the Airoplane
Using an engine that they invented, Orville and Wilbur Wright invent the first plane that is not powered by wind, Orville flies the plane for 12 seconds over a beach in North Carolina. -
Bloody Sunday
It began as a march on a Sunday afternoon as some priest went to the palace to talk they were shot and killed, this started peasant strikes and military mutinies (Russian revolution of 1905) -
Assembly Line
Henry Ford usually credited with the invention of the Model T built a new system of work he called the assembly line and this sped the process of production in a major way. -
World war 1
The first World War begins, it is a brutal war that impacts the whole world and changes many nations in a radical way