Early 1800's
New Mexico was the name of a vast region sandwiched between the Texas and California territories. It also included present day New Mexico,Arizona,Nevada and Utah and parts of Colardo and Wyoming. -
Texas Independence!
During the seige of the Alamo,Texan leaders were meeting at Washington where they were drawing up a new constituiton, There four days before the fall of the Alamo-American Settlers and Tejanos finally declared independence from Mexico and established the Replubic of Texas, But Texans have been deprived from their freedom of religion. -
The Oregon Trail!
Snake and Columbia RiverIn the early 1840's "Oregon Fever" swept through the Missisippi Valley. Since the depression caused the Panic of 1837 had hit them hard, People formed socities to gather information about Oregon and to plan for the long trip they are about to take. Tens of thousands of people had went on the trip and the people were called emigrants because they left the US. Finally they followed the trail across the Great Plains, Pass of the Rocky Mountains anf then they took the trail north and west along the -
The Mexican American War
The President James K. Polk was determined to get California and New Mexico terrirotries from Mexico.If they did that they would have a clear passage to the Pacific Ocean,It's Important for the United States to get that because the British still ocupied half of Orgeon.
After Mexico refused to sell Califronia to the United States the President had plotted to pull Mexican's Provinces into the Union through war, He wanted to provoke Mexico into taking Military action first. So this way The Polk -
More about the Mexican And American War
The relationship between Mexico and America has not been so good for some years since the United States annexed Texas in 1845 and it wo -
The California Gold Rush!
Here is a picture of the California Gold Rush Example ( A picture of the California Gold Rush! ) People all the world came over to California looking for gold, About 80,000 came to get some gold and the people who arrived were called The Forty-Niners. Priest,Farmers and Doctors even started digging for gold! They took about $6million in al -
Manifest Destiny!
America was destined to be spreat coast to coast. This attitude helped fuel western settlements,Native American Removal and war with Mexico