copernicus: born
Period: 1473 to 1543
copernicus life
copernicus: father died
copernicus: began studying various universities in poland and italy
copernicus: moved to frauenburg
copernicus: began circulating his Little Commentary which introduced his heliocentric model
copernicus: works on rebuilding frombork with the other canons
copernicus: completes On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres but waits before publishing it
copernicus: died
galileo: born
Period: 1564 to
galileos life
galileo: began studying at university of pisa
galileo: began teaching at university of pisa
galileo: began teaching at university of padua
galileo: publishes dialogue concerning the two cheif world systems
galileo: convicted of heresy and put on house arrest
galileo: Publishes Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations
galileo: died
newton: born
Period: to
newtons life
newton: begins attending kings school at Grantham
newton: begins attending cambridge university
newton: goes to Woolsthorpe manor due to plague and fire in london
newton: graduate studies at cambridge
newton: professor of math at cambridge
newton: publishes Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
newton: Represents Cambridge University in the parliament that passes the Bill of Rights limiting the powers of William III and Mary II
newton: Moves to London
newton: Assumes the presidency of the Royal Society until his death
newton: publishes Opticks
newton: Knighted by Queen Anne
newton: dies
Mendeleev: born
Period: to
Mendeleevs life
Mendeleev: father dies
Mendeleev: goes to st.petersburg with mother and sister
Mendeleev: enrolls in pedagogical institute
Mendeleev: mother and sister die
Mendeleev: graduates as a science teacher
Mendeleev: defends his master thesis in chemistry
Mendeleev: publishes textbook
Mendeleev: becomes a professor
Mendeleev: devises the periodic table of elements
Mendeleev: dismissed from his university teaching position
Mendeleev: accepts post as directer of the Bureau of weights and measures
Mendeleev: awarded the copley medal
Mendeleev: died