Cell Theory- Rebecca Day

By rd8703
  • Hooke

    -he discovered multitudes of tiny pores that he said looked like the walled compartments a monk would live in. This lead Hooke to call them cells.
    -Hook discovered this by examining very thin slices of cork with a microscope
    -Hooke started the theory of the cell.
  • Leeuwenhoek

    -Discovered and described bacteria, yeast plants, the teeming life in a drop of water, and the circulation of blood corpuscles in capillaries.
    -his discovery was inspired by glasses used to see fine thread. He made his own which gave up to 270x diameters (first practical microscopes) and used it to study pond water that contained bacteria.
    -this improved Hooke's theory because Leeuwenhoek developed the microscope to be more advanced
  • Brown

    - Discovered the cell nucleus and "Brownian Motion"
    -He discovered this by examining pollen of an orchid. Brown saw that there was an opaque spot in the cell and noticed it was there in the begging of pollen formation.
    He discovered the "Brownian Motion" by looking at pollen grains suspended in water he could see they were jiggling.
    -this improved the cell theory because it showed that a cell was more complexed and had systems inside it.
  • Shleiden

    -discovered that all plants are made of cells and embryonic plant arose from a single cell
    -he discovered this by investigating plants microscopically and found that plants were made up of recognizable cells.
    -he improved the cell theory because this showed that cells weren't only in bacteria and etc. but that they were also in plants
  • Schwann

    -Discovered that all living things are composed of cells and that new cells form principally outside pre-existing cells.
    -he discovered this by studying animal cartilage under a microscope.
    -improved the cell theory because he added a broad span of things made of cells and proved Shleiden's theory even farther.
  • Virchow

    -discovered the division of already existing cells is the only way cells can be created; He was first to demonstrate that the cell theory applies to diseased tissue as well as to healthy tissue. Also discovered Leukemia.
    -he discovered this by examining rotting, diseased, unhealthy tissues in plants and animals.
    -this improved the cell theory's that were found before because it shows that cells can get sick and that new cells can form from other cells.