Robert Hooke
Robert Hooke was a monk who lived in a monestary, and was the first to observe cork cells using a microscope. He also was the first to refer to cells as cells. He was able to disprove many theories about what organisms were made of by discovering the cell, and opening the doors to w whole new area of study. -
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe and describe bacteria and single-celled organisms. Leeuwenhoke also to improve upon other scientists discripitions of the red blood cell. He also imporoved the microscope so he was able to observe cells in greater deatail than hs predasessor, Robert Hooke. Leewenhooke made his discoveries by improving the microscope so that is would have a greater magnification. -
Henri Dutrochet
Heri Dutrochet, a French scientist, was the first to claim that all living things came from the cell. Using a microscope to observe plants and animal cells, he soon concluded that all things come from the cell. His model disproved the previous model because the previous model only claimed that cells coem from like cells while Dutrochet claimed everthing came form the cell. -
Matthais Schleiden
Schleiden, a German botanist, may have killed himslef if it was not for the worl of botany. He used his skills as a botanist to sugest that plant tissue was made up of cells, and that cells served as an imporatant building block of life. His new model of the cell sereved to disprove others before him as he used cells as the biulding block of tissue. -
Theodor Schwan
Theodor Schwan expaneded off of Scheleiden's hypothesis so that it included animals. He cliamed that all livinh things both animals and plans were made up of cells. This model disproved Schleiden's as Schwann not only included plants in his theory, but alos animals, and went as far to predict that all living things were made up of cells. -
Felix Dujardin
A French born scientist, Dujardin used a mircroscope to observe cells and found that cells were not hallow as most scientists believed, but were infact filled with a clear jelly like substance, which today is known as cytoplasm. His modle disproved most other scientists' due to the fact that before his discovery cells were belived to be empty. -
Rudolf Virchow
Virchow claimed that when an organism becomes ill, the organism as a whole is not sick, but rather only certain groups of cells. He also theorized that all cells are products of other cells. Just as Schrodinger expanded on the atomic theory, Virchow expanded upon the cell theory. Although his theory did not nescessarily disprove another sceintists, through his studies he did confirm a theory Lorenz Oken had.