Cell theory

Cell Theory Timeline

  • Micographia

    Robert Hooke published Micrographia and described the microscopic units that made up the structure of a slick of cork and called them cells. I chose this for my timeline because it is where the basic building blocks of life got its name.
  • Letter to Royal Society

    Letter to Royal Society
    In a letter to the royal society Antoni van Leeuwenhoek concluded that particles he saw under his microscope were living organisms. He described many forms of microorganisms, he called animalcules. Thanks to Leeuwenhoek the discovery of single celled organisms was made.
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    Theodor Schwann

    Schwann came to the conclusion that all animals are composed entirely of cells. He also states that “elementary parts of all tissues are formed of cells” and his conclusions help represent the official formulation of the cell theory. Schwann made huge contributions that led to the development of the cell theory and improve knowledge on the cell.
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    Rudolf Virchow

    Virchow’s aphorism became the basis of the cell theory of tissue formation. His Cellularpathologie was the most important pathogenic concept for a while. Virchow made giant revelations that helped shape the understanding of cells and the cell theory.
  • Nucleus

    Robert Brown was the first to recognize the nucleus, a term he made, as an essential constituent of living cells. He recognized the general occurrence of the nucleus in cells. Brown made a groundbreaking discovery of how the nucleus was in every cell.
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    Wilhelm His

    His brought forth the idea that the nerve cell body and its Prolongation form an independent unit. Thanks to His the nervous system began to be considered.
  • Plant cells

    Plant cells
    Matthias Jakob, a botanist, made the claim/ discovery that plants are composed entirely of cells. This discovery is very important to what makes up the cell theory, it is considered to represent the official formula of the cell theory.
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    Walther Flemming

    Flemming introduced the term Mitosis and established that each half chromosome moves to the opposite pole of the mitotic nucleus. He called a number of structures that appeared during cell division “ chromatin”. Flemming helped provide further evidence of the deep unity of the living world.
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    Santiago Ramon y Cajal

    Cajal’s neuroanatomical investigations contributed to the foundations of the basic concepts of modern neuroscience. Cajal was the main supporter of and champion of the neuron theory.
  • The Oil Immersion Lens introduction

    The Oil Immersion Lens introduction
    The introduction of the oil immersion lens, along with some other developments and improvements, led to the parts of cells, organelles, to be identified. This invention led to a big breakthrough in the understanding of what cells where and what they looked like.