Cell Theory Timeline

  • Microscopes

    Microscopes were not introduced until the 1830's and this allowed people or more specifically scientist to see things more precisely and histological observations
  • Recognition of the nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells

    Recognition of the nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells
    The first person to recognize the nucleus as an essential to the constituent of living cells was the Scottish Botanist Robert Brown
  • How Robert Brown became the first to recognize the nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells

    How Robert Brown became the first to recognize the nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells
    Brown figured this out because he recognized the general occurrence of the nucleus in these cells and thought of the organization of the plant some how.
  • How cells are formed

    How cells are formed
    It was both Albert Kolliker and Rudolf Virchow who had found out that cells are formed through scission of pre existing cells.
  • Oil immersion lens

    Oil immersion lens
    In 1870 the development of the microtome technique had vastly improved multiple things like the microscopy.
  • Anastomoses

    German histologist Joseph Gerlach expanded on the idea that Kolliker had on the central system nerve cells established anastomoses with each other in a specific form way forming by the minute and branching of their dendrites.
  • The 'Black Reaction'

    The 'Black Reaction'
    The black reaction was the most important breakthrough for neurocytology and neuroanatomy and it was created by Golgi and it is a easy way to demonstrate the structure of the interstitial stroma of cerebral cortex
  • Wilhelm His

    Wilhelm His
    He brought out the idea the the nerve cell body and its prolongations form an independent unit
  • Neurons

    The term neurons was originally introduced by Waldeyer to indicate independent nerve cells and because of that the Neuron Theory exists.
  • Ergastoplasm

    This term (ergastoplasm) was originally named by Carl Benda because many people were observing the mitochondria