Stem cell

Cell Theory Timeline

  • 367

    367 BC Aristotle studies the insides of living organisms

    367 BC Aristotle studies the insides of living organisms
    Disected animals and discovered the many functions of each organ and overall functions of the organism
  • 400

    Spontanious Generation 400 BC

    The time period when humans believed living organisms were created by nonlivings things or objects.....
  • Nov 11, 1580

    Cell theory starts to become an idea.

    Cell theory starts to become an idea.
    The time period when people and scientists began to think that cells were the life blocks of organisms insread of non-living objects
  • Zacharious and his father created the very first microscope and tested it

    Zacharious and his father created the very first microscope and tested it
    Hans Janson and his son Zacharious started expirimentng with these lenses creating the first microscope
  • Robert Hooke discovers Hooke's Law and uses cell to identify microscopic structures

    Robert Hooke discovers Hooke's Law and uses cell to identify microscopic structures
    Looked at a sliver of cork through a microscope lens and noticed some pores in the cork or now cells. He thought these cells existed only in plants, Hooke was the first person to use the word cell to identify these microscopic structures when he described cork. He also wrote Hooke's Law -- a law of elasticity for solid bodies.
  • When Jan Babtist van Helmont discovered early knowledge of biology and chemistry

    When Jan Babtist van Helmont discovered early knowledge of biology and chemistry
    Physicist who made an important early contribution to our understanding of photosynthesis and chemistry.
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria and other substances

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria and other substances
    In 1668 Anton took one of his microscopes and observed a piece of chalk and discovered bacteria, protozoa, spermatozoa, rotifers, Hydra and Volvox, and also parthenogenesis in aphids, and all these different micro-organisms
  • Robert Brown discovers movements of particles in a solution

    Robert Brown discovers movements of particles in a solution
    He was a scientist (botanist) widely know for his description of the motion of particles in a solution (Brownian Movement). He named the Nucleus in plant cells. He also established and defined new families and genera.
  • Shwann , Theodore discovered the digestive enzyme pepsin

    Shwann , Theodore discovered the digestive enzyme pepsin
    He had discovered the digestive enzyme pepsin the breaking down of stomache acids.
  • Schleiden, Matthias discovered that all plants were composed of cells

    Schleiden, Matthias discovered that all plants were composed of cells
    He studied primarily cells in plants.He observed that all plants seemed to be composed of cells.
  • Lorenz Oken's discovery of the formation of living things

    Lorenz Oken's discovery of the formation of living things
    German naturalist whose speculations that plants and animals are made up of tiny living `infusoria' led which had led to the cell theory.
  • Albercht von Roelliker discovered many things from red blood cells to evolution

    Albercht von Roelliker discovered many things from red blood cells to evolution
    Kölliker’s investigations covered such diverse subjects as the development of cephalopods (e.g., octopus, squid), the structure of smooth muscle, the development and differentiation of red blood cells, and the significance of the germ layers in development. He described spermatozoa as cellular in origin and nature and emphasized the significance of sudden change in evolution as opposed to gradual change.
  • Louis Pastreur discovers fermenation of cells

    Louis Pastreur discovers fermenation of cells
    He was one of the most important founders of medical microbiology. He pioneered the study of molecular asymmetry; discovered that microorganisms cause fermentation and disease; originated the process of pasteurization; saved the beer, wine, and silk industries in France; and developed vaccines against anthrax and rabies.Pasteur’s studies of butyric acid fermentation. These studies led Pasteur to the unexpected discovery that the fermentation process.
  • Rudolf Virchow finds effects to the body of diesaes in organ tissues

    Rudolf Virchow finds effects to the body of diesaes in organ tissues
    Application of the cell theory to explain the effects of disease in the organs and tissues of the body.