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Cell theory

By 312444
  • Zacharias Jansen invents the compound microscope and telescope

    Zacharias Jansen invents the compound microscope and telescope
    Said to be the first to come up with the compound microscope and telescope, even though others have claimed that they invented it first.
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek creates a compound microscope and telescope

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek creates a compound microscope and telescope
    Also discovered bacteria by looking at dental scrapings.
  • Robert Hooke comes up with the term cell

    Robert Hooke comes up with the term cell
    After looking at a piece of cork through a microscope. He said that the cork reminded him of cells that monks used to live in. Nobody knows what he looks like.
  • Sir Isaac Newton publishes a book in which he presents his theory of gravity

    Sir Isaac Newton publishes a book in which he presents his theory of gravity
    The book which is called the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica is where he presents universal gravity and the three laws of motion. He also feuded with Robert Hooke and hid any portraits of Hooke from the world.
  • Matthias Schleiden discovers that all plant are made of cells

    Matthias Schleiden discovers that all plant are made of cells
    Schleiden co-founded the cell theory. Preferred to study plants.
  • Theodore Schwann dicovers that all animals are made of cells

    Theodore Schwann dicovers that all animals are made of cells
    Also invents re-breathers for firefighters. Called them animalcules because they reminded him of animals.
  • Rudolf Virchow proves that cells come from other cells

    Rudolf Virchow proves that cells come from other cells
    He actually stole this information from a jewish scientist by the name of Robert Remak (no specific date)
  • Endosymbiotic theory

    Endosymbiotic theory
    First proposed by biologist Lynn Margulis in the 1960s. She proposed that the similarities between prokaryotes and organelles, together in their fossil appearance cold best be explained by endo-symbiosis.