Cell Theory

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    Leeuwenhoek Lifespan

    Antonie van Leewenhoek was an important part of the history of biology. He was the first to observe bacteria and he researched many topics, laying down a foundation for the science of bacteriology.
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    Robert Hooke Lifespan

    Robert Hooke was valuable in history because he improved the microscope, microscopy and invented the term "cell"
  • Hooke publishes Micrographia

    Hooke publishes Micrographia
    the micrographia was an important part of history because it contains the information Robert Hooke found out about his observations and research on insects, plants etc. through microscopes
  • Leeuwenhoek sends letter to Royal Society

    Leeuwenhoek sends letter to Royal Society
    The letters that Leeuwenhoek were important because they included several different topics of scientific observations
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    Cell Theory Formulated

    The cell theory is important because it affects the understanding of bodies, death, disease and basically any aspect dealing with life and biology.
  • "Free Cell Formation" Theory Refuted

    "Free Cell Formation" Theory Refuted
    The "Free Cell Formation" theory was the theory that the formation of cells originate from the mother-cell and other existing cells. When this was refuted, it could've changed a significant part of our understanding of cell development and it would change the Cell Theory completely
  • Improved Microscopy

    Improved Microscopy
    Microscopy is the study using microscopes to see things that are too small for human eyes to see by itself. By improving it, it gave a wider area for scientists to research
  • Golgi Develops "Black Reaction"

    Golgi Develops "Black Reaction"
    The black reaction was the reaction found when for the first time, a full view of a single nerve and its' processes. It was able to be followed and analyzed even when it was a large distance from the cell body. There are still great, unknown benefits to this study that people have yet to discover
  • "Nerve-Cell Body and Prolongations Form Independent Unit" Theory Formed

    "Nerve-Cell Body and Prolongations Form Independent Unit" Theory Formed
    Wilhelm His proposed that the nerve cell body and its prolongations form an independent cellular unit which contributed to sciences' understanding of neurology.
  • Waldeyer Introduces Term "Neuron"

    Waldeyer Introduces Term "Neuron"
    Neurons are a cell in the body which are significant for carrying out actions for the human body and brain. It gives humans the personality and consciousness that they need and they are responsible for small yet important actions