Cell Theory Assignment

  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    As hooke study a cork under the mircroscope you notice black holes in the cork,as he studied these holes in the cork he notice them move, so he named them after the cells in a monastery since that's what they looked liked to him but before he named them cells he just called them pores.
  • Leewenuhoek

    As the years went on about 20 years later leeuwenhoek had discovered bacteria from the mouth, the only way of him discovering this bacteria is when he improved the magnigication of the mircroscopes which then allowed him to get a closer look at cells than Robert Hooke.
  • durtrochet

    Discovered and named osmosis and then was the first to discover chloroplast in the use of carbon dioxide by plant cells, he also studied respriation, light sensitivity, and geotropism. He constructed a deviced called an osmometer and was the first to recognized indicidual cells in an organism.
  • dujardin

    he based his studies of organisms that were under a microscope that suggested that living organisms are created of a single cell, he also found internal substance in every living cells, this discovery shows us a little more than hooke and leeuwenhoeks model.
  • Schleidan

    schwann discovered that animal tissue is made up of cells and since he made this discovery he knew that plants and animals are made up of cell, Schwann discovered this by becoming interested with the cell Theory and added another answer by discovering another piece to the puzzle.
  • Schwann

    schwann discovered that animal tissue is made up of cells and since he made this discovery he knew that plants and animals are made up of cell
  • Virchow

    virchow discovered that the cells produce by division of other cells,he was also one of the first people to recognize leukemia, as he discovers another process called mitosis.