334 BCE
Aristotle categorized living things into plants and animals. -
Zacharias Janssen
Along with his father, Hans, the two created the first ever microscope by putting different lens in a tube and realizing images could be magnified with them. -
Jean Baptista Van Helmont
Helmont coined the original idea of spontaneous regeneration. -
Robert Hooke
Hooke gave cells their name after cutting a cork in half, putting it under a microscope and discovering empty holes in it -
Francesco Redi
Attempted to debunk the idea of spontaneous regeneration by performing an experiment that had two chunks of meat, one covered and the other uncovered. After some days the uncovered meat had maggots and the other did nor. -
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Leewenhoek improved the microscope and called single-celled organisms Animalcules. -
Lorenz Oken
First person to state that all living things come from cells. -
Robert Brown
Brown discovered the nucleus while looking at a plant cell, which contributes to the slowly forming theory -
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann
Matthias found that plants were made up of cells and Theodor discovered that animals were also made up of cells, leading to them creating the CELL THEORY -
Albrecht Von Roelliker
Roelliker discovered that sperm and egg cells are also cells. -
Louis Pasteur
Completely debunked spontaneous regeneration by creating an experiment that showed cells could only grow when exposed to air -
Rudolf Virchow
Virchow stated that diseases began in cells, not the organ or tissue as a whole, showing that diseases spread through cells.