Cell Theory

  • Hooke publishes Micrographia

    Hooke publishes Micrographia
    This is the first major publication devoted to microscopical observation. I chose this for that reason and because this is when the term "cell" was coined.
  • Leeuwenhok sends letter to Royal Society

    Leeuwenhok sends letter to Royal Society
    In this letter, Leeuwenhok concludes that the cells are indeed living organisms. I chose this because this is one of the first leaps into the formation of cell theory.
  • Period: to

    Achromatic microscopes introduced

    Achromatic microscopes allowed more precise histological observations. I chose this because without such an invention many later discoveries couldn't have occured.
  • Robert Brown recognizes nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells

    Robert Brown recognizes nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells
    I chose this because this is a large discovery into the way that cells work. Previously, it was just seen as another part.
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    Schleiden and Schwann proclaim all plants and animals are made of cells. Cell theory formulated.

    Schleiden (botanist) and Schwann (zoologist) both independently proclaim that the organisms in their fields are made of cells. Later, cell theory is officially formed. I chose this because this is the moment when scientist identify a foundation for interacting with cells.
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    Several scientists refute "free cell formation" theory

    Scientists such as Robert Remak and Rudolph Virchow disprove the theory that cells spontaneously generate. I chose this because these are the discoveries that formed cell theory as we know it.
  • Oil immersion lens, microtome technique, and using new fixing methods and dyes greatly improved microscopy

    Oil immersion lens, microtome technique, and using new fixing methods and dyes greatly improved microscopy
    Many new techniques and technologies were developed in order to increase the effectiveness of the microscope. I chose because (once again) without these advances science wouldn't have been able to progress as far.
  • Golgi develops "black reaction"

    Golgi develops "black reaction"
    This reaction provided a full view of a single nerve cell and its processes for the first time. I chose this because this is one of the first major steps into the formation of neuron theory.
  • Wilhelm forwards idea that the nerve-cell body and its prolongations form an independent unit

    Wilhelm forwards idea that the nerve-cell body and its prolongations form an independent unit
    I chose this because it was the first step in putting a stop to the idea that the nervous system was an exception to cell theory.
  • Waldeyer introduces the term "neuron"

    Waldeyer introduces the term "neuron"
    Waldeyer used this term to describe independent nerve cells. I chose this because this marks the point that cell theory was properly applied to the nervous system, forming "neuron theory".