Robert Hooke
Hooke's discovery was in 1663. He discovered that cells did in fact exist . Hooke examined a piece of cork under a primitive microscope . All though Hooke only saw the cell wall because the cells in a piece of cork are dead without any cytoplasmic content . Hooke the developed this discovery into the cell theory. Hooke is the one who named the microorganism he observed cell . Cite:
"What Was Robert Hookes Contribution to the Cell Theory." Answers. Answers Corporation, n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2016. -
In 1674 he created an microscope the could magnify up to 270x diameters. He showed that cells could in fact be living when he examined ''scummy pond water''.
"Anton Van Leeuwenhoek." Cell Theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2016. -
In 1802 brown discovered and described the nucleus of the cell . He not only worked to describe the nucleus, but he was able to provide a description of the cytoplasmic functions within cells. cite:
"What Did Robert Brown Contribute to Cell Theory?" Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2016. -
In 1839 he contributed to the cell theory that all living things are made of cells . He preformed this research on the animal tissue . He not only verified existence of cells ; he also traced the development of many adult tissues from early embryo stages . cite:
"Theodor Schwann." Cell Theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2016. -
In 1839 he discovered that different parts of the plant organism are composed of cells . Schleiden was the first to recognize the importance of cells as fundamental units of life. Cite:
By 1838 His methods had Led Him to Propose the Cell Theory For plants. Schleiden Was the First to Recognize the Importance of Cells as Fundamental units Of life. In His Most Well-known Article, Schleiden Described Robert Brown's 1. "Matthias Schleiden." Cell Theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2016. -
In 1855 he showed the origins of cells was the division of pre existing cells. He founded the discipline of cellular pathology based on the idea that diseases don't affect an entire organism but are instead are localized to certain groups of cells.
By Examining Cells for Certain Changes or Alterations, Doctors Can More Precisely Identify and Diagnose a Disease. "What Was Rudolf Virchow's Contribution to Cell Theory?" Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2016.