First Compound Microscope
Two spectacle-makers, Hans and Zacharias Janssen, constructed the first compound microscope using two lenses inside a tube. -
Robert Hooke further developed the compund microscope
He described cells as ‘… all perforated and porous, much like a honeycomb… the pores or cells… consisted of a great many little boxes…’ -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek observed unicellular organisms
described unicellular organisms from his observations of a drop of stagnant rainwater as ‘animalcules’. Leeuwenhoek also soaked some peppercorns in water for several days. When he examined a drop of this water under his microscope, he did not fi nd the little needles he expected that made pepper ‘hot’, just more unicellular organisms. 1683 Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria -
Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria from his observations of saliva
René Dutrochet stated that all animals and plants are made up of cells
Robet Brown discovered the necleus
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann formulated the cell theory
The cell thoery is that all living matter is composed of small units called cells. -
Rudolf Virchow stated that ‘where a cell exists there must have been a pre-existing cell, just as theanimal arises only from an animal and the plant only from a plant.’
Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe produced the fi rst oil immersion objectives. Images could be magnifi ed over 1000×.
Walther Flemming described cell division (mitosis) from observations on living and stained cells.
Ernst Ruska built the fi rst electron microscope.
Transmission electron microscopes and scanning electron microscopes were developed in the following decades. Details of internal cell structures were revealed. -
Paul Kirkpatrick and Albert Baez built the fi rst X-ray microscope that used soft X-rays.
Soft X-rays produce diffraction images that allow non-crystalline specimens, from single protein molecules to cells, to be viewed. -
Marvin Minsky developed the fi rst confocal microscope.
These laser-based scanning microscopes can produce threedimensional images of cells and cell structures. -
Two-photon fl uorescence microscope developed by Winfried Denk.
This massive microscope uses laser light that creates three-dimensional images within tissues, without damaging cells