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Cell Scientists - Vasilis Hughes

  • Zacharias Janssen

    Zacharias Janssen
    First inventor of the compound microscope with two convex lens combined into a tube. Zacharias designed this with his son Hans Janssen.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Robert Hooke described what he saw on a cork from his microscope back in 1665 as a 'honeycomb pattern'. Robert Hooke also created the word cell for the things that he saw, which comes from the latin word cellula meaning a small compartment.
  • Francesco Redi

    Francesco Redi
    Francesco was very interested in to the theory that meat turns into flies but he thought that there was another reason that flies appear when there is meat left out. Francesco found out that cells only come from other living cells so it was not possiable that they come from meat.
  • Anton Van Leweuwenhoek

    Anton Van Leweuwenhoek
    In 1670 , Anton took a drop of water from a pond and put it in his microscope and wound up being the first person to see a single cell organism through a telescope. Antons microscope was said to be able to magnify by 250x which was a big break through for how much you could zoom in at this point in time.
  • Rene Dutrochet

    Rene Dutrochet
    Rene stated that all living things are made from cells which helped in a lot of other scientists expirment and the understanding of living things and animals today.
  • Jean Baptiste van Helmont

    Jean Baptiste van Helmont
    Most of Jean's work had to do with the evolution of animals and the classifcation of them and he also helped in the creating of the cell theory.
  • Matthias Schleiden

    Matthias Schleiden
    Matthias had found out that all the cells in a embryonic plant comes from only one single cell and grow. Matthias called this the "building block" of plants.
  • Theodor Scvhwannn

    Theodor Scvhwannn
    Theodor studied the structure of plants and animals under a micsrope from 1839 - 1847. Theodor found out that the way that a the way a animal is formed or is made if from traces that go back to its embryonic cells.
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow
    Rudolf Virchow was the first to figure out about lukemia in bones with a microscope.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Louis did many tests on different kinds of soups in the 1860's and he found out that there were air-born microbes that were able to infect the broth and would make bactreria sit on top of the soup. Louis' expirments helped prove Vischows expirments.
  • Ernst Ruska

    Ernst Ruska
    Ernst Ruska helped create the first electron microscope in 1931. The electron went on to help a lot of scientists see cells and other very small things in good detail. The microscope could zoom in up to 10,000,000x,