Hans and Zacharias Jansen
Created 1st Compound Microscope. -
Francesco Redi
Proved spontaneous generation did not cause growth of maggots in decaying meat. -
Marcello Malpighi
Founder of Microscopic Anatomy. -
Robert Hooke
Created a later Compound Microscope and discovered Fungi. -
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
"Father of Microbiology."- Created many different kinds of microscopes. Discovered Microscopic world. -
Matthias Schleiden
Co-founder of Cell Theory. -
Theodore Schwann
Developed cell doctrine (all living things are composed of cells). Discovered digestive enzyme, Pepsin. -
Rudolph Virchow
Discovered Leukemia and carried out 1st ever autopsy. -
Robert Brown
Discovered nuclei in cells. -
Walter Fleming
Founder of Cytogenetics- 1st person to observe and describe behavior of Chromosomes in cell nucleus during Mitosis. -
Gregor Mendel
"Father of Genetics" -
Thomas Hunt Morgan
Discovered that genes were connected in a series of Chromosomes. (Passing hereditary traits.) -
Francis Crick and James Watson
Discovered chemical structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA).