Carsen's Special Life

  • My entrence to the world

    My entrence to the world
    I came into this world on February 21, 2000 making the next 14 events possible. I was the third child of my parents Brent and Chris. My mom always complains about having me because I gave her back problems.
  • My First Sport

    My First Sport
    I started to play Soccer at four years old on April 25, 2004. I was playing AYSO soccer. Soccer was the first sport I played and my mom was the coach of my team.
  • Goodbye Mariah

    Goodbye Mariah
    She was almost 14 years old when when we had to take her to the vet. I remember my mom telling me we had to put her down. I was so sad because when I came home from preschool she wasn't there.
  • Mariah's Replacement

    Mariah's Replacement
    My family got a new dog named Molly, She is a black Bernese Mountain Dog.I still remeber going to Auburn Hills to get her. All of the other puppies were laying on her when my dad picked her. She has made my life better by being with me for over 9 years now.
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    It was my first day of Kindergarten. I was feeling grown up to be going to school with my older brothers. I was nervous to see all of the big 5th graders but soon became aquainted with my surroundings.
  • Dirtbike

    My parents bought me a dirtbike for my sixth birthday. Having a dirtbike helps me connect to people like Brandon because we have something in coomon. It also was family bonding because my whole family had and rode dirtbikes.
  • Another Pet

    Another Pet
    I got a Ragdoll cat for my 10th birthday that I named Peeps. When my dad and I brought home my cat my brother were so jealous I got a cat for my birthday and they didn't. I had to learn how to take care of her because my parents said if it was my cat then I had to take care of her.
  • Trip to Jamaica

    Trip to Jamaica
    My trip to jamaica was my first time going on a airplane. It was also my first time going out of the country. I change my perspective on other countries when I saw how most of the people lived in a third world country.
  • Nicole

    My family hosted a foriegn exchange student from Brazil named Nicole.She was 16 years old when she visited from Jannuary to July. I realized after being with her for six months that her culture had a lot of different things but a lot of things in common too.
  • Meeting new friends

    Meeting new friends
    There were a lot of new kids that I didn't know. There were techers that were more strict. I had to take on more reponsibilities and more homework because I was in middle school.
  • Injury

    I hurt my knee during practice one day. I broke a major blood vessel in my leg so my knee swelled up and it looked like I had two knees on the same leg. This was my first serious injury because it didn't heal right away, It took about 3 months for my leg to be back to normal.
  • Brothers Left for College

    Brothers Left for College
    Both of my brothers left to go to Michigan State University. I was always used to having them around. It is good and bad to have them gone because I have more chours but I also dont have them picking on me.
  • Braces

    The first week of having braces my teeth hurt so bad. They are expected to be on for a year. I had to change my diet because I couldn't eat most of my usual foods.
  • First Day of Highschool

    First Day of Highschool
    The highschool was a lot bigger than the middle school. Most of the freshman were gettting lost. I wasn't too nervious because I knew the school from playing sports.
  • Highschool Sport

    Highschool Sport
    I am currently playing tennis. Playing tennis allows me to talk to upper classmen that I would've never talk to if I didn't play tennis. I figured out that Highschool sports are different than other sports because in highschool sports you go against kids that can be up to 3 years older than you.