7.3- Intrinsic motivation
As a student in school, I was always an intrinsic motivator. I always enjoyed going to school everyday and had inner motivation with the opportunity to explore, learning new things and achieve my potiental challenging goals. Other than school, I always had the desire with inner motivation to read and collect all of Judy Blume books. The experience I had matched in the text book where it states " the goal is to motivate students to expend the effort to persist and master ideas......"(p373). -
1.1 Entering Adolescence
The date I picked is approperiate because of puberty at age 12 when I got my period. I was made to be an adoloscence as I started to have mood swings and sleeping patterns changed. I developed sexuality with boy crushes. Yes, my transition to adoloscence matches the description written in the text book, on page 17-18 but it is difficult for me to remember the sequences since it occured 35 years ago but I remember having an identity conflict. -
2.2 Niche picking
One type of of Niche- Picking Environment correlations that suits me in the active part is when I was at the age of 13, I was forced to learn how to cook from my mother as it was a big part of my Italian culture. Italian females at a young age learn how cook and serve the males in the house. Cooking became one of my hobbies that I enjoy very much and one I sought out regularly. I was a homebody type of child with extremely rigid restrictions from my father. -
2.1 Early Maturer
At the age of 13, in the process of sexual maturation I had breast, curves and developed public hair on the vagina and under the armpits.. As a teenager in high school, I experienced an extreme peer pressure with high school anxiety, on an emotion rollercoaster, and a great deal of anger . For instance, I tried way too hard to dress like the rest of the girls and wanted to feel welcome in their popular group. I failed! -
8.1- Rite of passage
The rites of passage in the catholic religion begins when an infant is baptized, children recieving their first holy communion and confirmation as I entered adolescent. Confirmation means for an adolescent to accept responsbility for your faith and destiny as a young adult. At the age of 13, I was confirmed in a catholic church with a bishop,I selected confirmation name as Marie and had a sponsor to guide me through adulthood and teach me how to be responsible. The party took place afterwards. -
3.1-Imaginary Audience
During my first year of high schoo experience as a freshman. Imaginary audience description suits me perfectly everytime I walk in the hallways and sees other hearing students standing in a crowd and start talking and laughing, I would abruptily become panariod and thinks they are talking and making fun of my deafness, speech or hearing aids.I feel like I was "on-stage" or in center of everything and will be noticed which led me to extremembarrasement. It happens all the time everywhere I go . -
7.1- Transition to High School
After graduating from a deaf school and transitioning to a mainstream public school was a huge step for me to adjust. The ultimate stress of social cognition impacted me to develop responsbility indepdentently how to handle the new environment with many diversity of students, the responsbility of how to use sign language interpreter, understanding the school schedule with rotations with classes and loads of homework assignments. It took months for me to adjust the whole idea of independence -
3.2- Possible self
I chose possible self characterisctics as I recall at the age of 16, I was a big fan of all kinds of animals. I had the desire with motivation to become a veterinarian and take care of all the animals who are in need. I read several books about the description of a veterinanrian and researched on what courses are appropriate to take to achieve my goals but meanwhile I was afraid to pursue my dream and it was distinguished.I felt I was not capable of handling the responsbility with the hard work. -
6.1- Parent and adolescent conflict
At the age of 16, I met my first love , Vinny and was so in love with him. I told my mother about the guy I started dating, she made a rule that I was forbidden in his car. I could not accept her reasons about my romantic partner and the disgreement argument between my mother and I would repeatly occur almost every day as I was trying to get permission and independence to go in his car when we go out. At that time, I wanted my mother to treat me like a woman with my expectations of freedom. -
6.3- Loneliness
Making friends in my neighborhood was so difficult for me. I really didnt have anyone to talk to or do things with. I ended up with loniless because no one I knew really understood me and excluded me from their crowd. .As Santrock mentioned in the text book, "More than just unwelcome social situation, a chronic loniless is linked with impaired physcial and menal health"(p. 312). I would keep myself occupied by staying over at my cousin's house, do crafts or help my mother if needed. -
4.1 Gender-Typed behavior
During High school days, I knew a girl named Sylvia who was 17 years old. She has similair female gender role. She loveed to spread gossips about another person to hurt the other female. In her relational aggressive behavior, she would say things like Suzy had sex with John when she knew Suzy was a prude. She would play around and disclose secrets to her tight knit group of friends excluding others who were not in the "popular" crowd of girls. Her femine rapport talk was important to her game. -
4.2 Non-gender typed behavior
Sylvia discovered that her $5.00 was stolen from her purse and planned to have a fight with a black hard of hearing woman named Dolores who admitted she stole the 5 dollars out of spite to create drama with Sylvia. They decided to have a fight after school out in the school yard. She was abruptly physcially aggressive and beat Dolores up. As a natural consquences , Sylvia and Dolores both were suspended from school for 3 days. Sylvia showed non-gender behavior as she was physically aggressive. -
6.2- Companionship
I had a deaf friend i went to school with since I was 5 years old. I was able to see her when i am in school during the week due to distances was an issue for us to play with eachother. When I turned 18, I had additional freedom and was able to interact with my companionship longtime friend Donna again. We would get together to do different activities,/events, sit home and chat or attend to different deaf events. conversations. Until now, we still remain in touch at times. -
3.3- Self-protection
Here is the an example of self protection, as my graduation from high school was coming near, I was in the process of applying and meeting the requirements of enrolling in Gallaudet University. I recieved a formal letter in the mail stating "congratulations" you have been accepted to Gallaudet, I felt the conflict inside with confusion and changed my mind and backed off due to the negative feeling about myself as I was verbally abused by my father as he would call me all kinds of negative names. -
7.2- Transition to college
After graduating 4 years of high school, I felt "overwhelemed with what I have to do" (p.346) even though I developed the knowledge of the responsbility with adapting to real world as an adult. however, I did not like to deal with changes and was nervous about entering college. The new environment, teachers, diversity of students , loads of tasks, assignments and independence has impacted me with knots in my stomach until it it took some time and patience to adjust to college routine. -
1.2 Emerging Adulthood”
At the age of 21, I emerged into adulthood when I escaped from an abusive home to get married. This is why I chose the approperiate date. I began to explore my independence from my parents creating my identity even though I experienced instability with being in love. No, the transition did not match due to daily abuse from my father. In fact due to my oral education and abuse, To this day I still struggle with abstract thinking. In adulthood. I learned responsbility due to adult obligations.