BS Motor Skills Development: First Year

  • Baby is Born

    Baby is Born
  • Period: to

    First Year

  • 1 Month old

    1 Month old
    Lifts chin when placed on stomach.
  • 2 months old.

    2 months old.
    Lifts chest well above surface when placed on stomach.
  • 3 months old.

    3 months old.
    Reaches for objects unsteadily.
  • 4 months old.

    4 months old.
    Has complete head control when sitting on an adults lap.
  • 5 months old.

    5 months old.
    reaches and grasps successfully, but awkwardly.
  • 6 months old.

    6 months old.
    Uses hands to reach, grasp, crumble, bang, and splash.
  • 7 months old.

    7 months old.
    Pulls self up while holding on to furniture.
  • 8 months old.

    8 months old.
    Eats with fingers and sits up steadily.
  • 9 months old.

    9 months old.
    Walks when led and crawls on hands and knees.
  • 10 months old.

    10 months old.
    Stands holding on to furniture or other supports.
  • 11 months old.

    11 months old.
    Stands alone and may be walking alone.
  • First Birthday!

    First Birthday!
    Holds and drinks from a cup and picks up small objects using thumb and finger.
  • 12 months old.

    12 months old.
    Starts walking.