
  • 3.1 Imagery Audience

    3.1 Imagery Audience
    Participating sports will always be a part of who I am. There are fans = the audience. During warm ups, I feel like everyone is watching me which I would always mess up during the warm up drills. I think it is silly but I always had that problem. I do much better during practices or during the game. I believe my formal thoughts gets to me. I would think all of the possibilities that could have happened during the warm up drills like I would miss my shoot and people would assume I suck.
  • 2.2 Niche Picking

    2.2 Niche Picking
    I was involved in sports since I was 12, it was the time where I felt alive the most. The environment in the gym/track field gave me the opportunity to release all of the tense I had inside me because of school and other things going on. It was my niche-picking where I can just forget about everything and learn more about myself while only focusing the simple rules. Athletic was my middle name. It was also definitely gene thing, my parents and older siblings were athletic.
  • 2.1 Typical maturer

    2.1 Typical maturer
    I felt like I was late maturer based on my experience with peer pressure but no I was a typical maturer. I had my first period when I was 13 and that was the most average age, but I was friends with who had experienced period at such at young age which makes them an early maturer. I was kind of embarrassed with the fact that I had my period at age 13 because almost all of my friends had their period before me. I have learned that everyone is different & yet the same.
  • 7.3 Intrinsic Motivation

    7.3 Intrinsic Motivation
    I struggled with my grammar writing. I was embarrassed. I knew I had to find a way to improve my grammar and I kept on reading books which I used to dislike but I was determined to be able to write better without asking for help all the time. My motivation just came right at the moment when I got really frustrated with my grammar errors and limited creativity. That changed when I read books a lot during my MS year and I really enjoy writing through my HS years. It was something I succeed.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    At age 13 is the age I felt like I was entering adolescence is when I got my period. It was the moment that I had to learn how to cope my hormonal changes and notice the changes in my body as my breasts started to develop and pubic hair began to appear, which matches the description in the textbook. Also, I noticed myself staying up late and became more interested in looking for a intimacy relationship. At age 13, I knew my life was going to change so much with all of the new changes upcoming.
  • 6.1 Adolescent-parent conflict

    6.1 Adolescent-parent conflict
    To be honest, I never really had any conflict with my parents. Their parenting style towards to me were authoritative unlike how they were with my older siblings. They had everyday issues which caused my parents to have trust issues with them because they were still learning & exploring as they entered their adolescent phase. For me, it was different bec I didnt want my parents to have to deal with all of that with me. They did have some kind of expectations for me to not repeat their behavior.
  • 3.2 Differentiation

    3.2 Differentiation
    I have experienced differentiation all the time during adolescence days. My roles changes depends on situations. For example, when I am with my friends I am more of my true self. I show my wild and immaturity side. With my family, they see me as a good girl with a good heart (which I like to keep it that way). I used to babysit kids all the time I tend to be "professional" and give all of my energy towards little kids. I have the authority to tell them what to do, thats a different self of me.
  • 7.2 Transition to High School

    7.2 Transition to High School
    I was in ninth grade entering high school from being a middle schooler. That was a big step into exploring more in initiate relationships and friendships. We also go through stressful and difficult situations where we are most often unsure what to do and would cause some kind drama or trouble. Often there are cliques. Also, there are some positivity changes in the transition like learning how to be more mature and independent to prepare for the college and real world.
  • 3.3 Self-Protection

    3.3 Self-Protection
    I always had a hard time with fighting off those people who were jealous of me. They would labeled me as a bossy in my own circle of friends. It sucks. I was confused and worried if it was true and my true friends actually felt like that way. I always had to ask them if I AM BOSSY or not. They would always say nah, just ignore the haters. They are just jealous of us. Yet, it was still hard for me to ignore them because I know I am a good friend to my friend and I know myself better than that.
  • 4.1 Gender-typed behavior

    4.1 Gender-typed behavior
    A friend of mine who is a male, he acts like he is a powerful & smart. He loves to play sports especially basketball (physical aggression) & hands on activities such as mechanic. He is into trucks. He is a male & behaved like a male. He is really a good friend of mine, I love having BOY friends because drama is not their thing. I remember having a hard time having a heart to heart conversation with him. He is not so expressive. He likes to keep things simple.
  • 4.2 Non-gender typed behavior

    Looking back, I know a friend who was born in a wrong body. He hangs out with girls all the time. He did hated sports and he loved to gossip. He was good with words, like in the text mentioned that women are good with words. He wore short shorts and was so into with fashion. He would help his girl friends with tips and advices. He used to want to become a fashion designer. I knew he was going to be gay one day. His behavior is definitely fits with the term of prosocial. He likes to help people.
  • 6.2 Companionship

    6.2 Companionship
    My friendship with one of my best friends definitely fits what the textbook explained about companionship, which provides someone familiar and who is happy to spend doing things together. My best friend and I always do almost everything together because we like having company from each other. For example, I will join her to her apportionment or if she need to go to change her oil for her car.
  • 6.3 Stimulation

    6.3 Stimulation
    I had a great stimulation friendship with one of my childhood friend. We never run out of things to talk about. We learned so much from each other. We would share articles or information that we found through Internet or etc. I really enjoy her stimulation. She keeps me going and we would give each other tips and advices about everything.
  • 8.1 Rite of Passage

    8.1 Rite of Passage
    Getting my driver license is one of my best close example to the concept of rite of passage. The moment when I got my driver license I felt like I was becoming adult and have more independence as my parents celebrate by going out to a restaurant. I was the one who drove to the restaurant. It is just my family's way of celebrating my next step to becoming independence. My experience does matches what was explained in the textbook because it is a ceremony and tradition for my family to go out eat.
  • 7.1 Transition to College

    7.1 Transition to College
    My lifestyle changed completely when I moved to a different state and went to Gallaudet University. I became independent as I learn how to live on my own with different kind of support system. I have to buy foods on my own. I live off campus so I have bills to pay. I got stressed and learned how to cope it on my own. I do not have my parents to tell me what to do or to remind me to take care of some things on my own any more. Also, I am in a relationship so I am in different phase right now.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    I felt like I am officially an adult once I became 21. I am pretty much on my own right now as a independent person. I pay for my own bills. I am dating a guy with a kid. I have responsibilities and chores to take care of. I am in the control of my own life. I get to make choices and I am still figuring out my own identity. The textbook mentioned about instability, my life is still instability as I am still a college student and still try to figure out what to do after college.