Computer Design was made had things like a logic unit and memory.
This gave people a idea of what machnes could do. -
Mark 1 is invented
The very first computer like machine jointly by IBM and Harvard it was 52 feet long and weighed 50 tons. Data could sent to the machine using punch cards. -
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)
Was built by University of Pennsylvania and had 18,000 vacuum tubes. -
Invention of Transistors
First microprosser: A entire CPU on a single chip
Apple 1 invented by Stephen Wozniak and Steve Jobs
IBM releases first PC
NES Comes to America gamming is mainstream
PC's Become inexpensive and found in lots of peoples house
World wide Web is publicly available
First i-Phone comes out smartphone market gets big
Now Computers are found everwhere like in appliances and cars