Norman pc

Brick's Timeline of Total Drama lmao

  • 23452435

  • Birth

  • Period: to


  • 2010

    Windows 7 monitor computer (Microsoft). I was not aloud to use this that much, mostly because I stole it to play games and such. Or just mess around with Microsoft paint he-he-hah.
  • 2012

    Windows 7 ThinkPad laptop, I actually destroyed this computer. One of my family members spilt a drink on it. Most of the time I just watched YouTube or played off brand Minecraft.
  • 2013

    Windows 7 Desktop Computer (Microsoft), I was given a computer for quote on quote "homework". Pffff, who the heck trusts their kids with this? Not my parents, they did watch me time to time to make sure I was doing homework. Was I? No well yes, but mostly no. 
  • 2021

    iPhone 12. This is my first ever phone. That was actually useful I tried getting handy downs but I would need a job to pay for it. Really step siblings, did you need to get in trouble that bad? Just kidding, maybe. Its still good though had it about a year now. So that's cool. Makes me feel, more busy.
  • 2021, part 2

    Windows 11 Desktop Computer (Microsoft), I LOVE THIS COMPUTER. I have had it for a year, and I gotten better at coding. It feels like wearing the perfect sized shoes. To bad it didn't perfectly fit with my bank account. No matter, great hunk of junk. Bout time I clean it out too.