Brain Development

  • Conception

    Within the 24-hours of ovulation, the sperm fertilizes into an egg. Then, after 6 days, the fertilized egg implants into the uterine lining. At day 21, if conception and implantation occurred during this menstrual cycle, you're pregnant.
  • Period: to

    Conception to 2 years old

    This year span, from birth to the age of 2 is the sensorimotor stage. This is when the children start to learn about their senses. They begin to lick, smell and bite.,to%20half%20by%20age%20two.
  • Embryonic Stage (0-8 weeks)

    Embryonic Stage (0-8 weeks)
    This is when the neural tube forms which eventually develops into the brain and spinal cord. The basic structures of the brain start to form such as: forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
  • Fetal Stage

    Fetal Stage
    The brain begins to develop at a faster pace. The neurons begin to multiply and separate into different types. Synaptic connections begin to form.
  • Birth

    The brain has 200 billion brain cells.
  • First Month

    First Month
    Reflexes due to brain development begin to be more noticeable. Babies can now respond to sound, and their vision begins to improve.
  • 2-3 Months after Birth

    2-3 Months after Birth
    Babies begin to work on recognition. They can start to track changes and become more coordinated. They can also start to make "coo" sounds (ways of communication)
  • Relationships and Commuication

    Relationships and Commuication
    Towards the middle of birth, and first year of living, babies begin to express relationships, and communicate with their parents. They do this by "cooing", smiling, and most importantly, crying. This is called the "serve and return" process.'s,center%20of%20the%20human%20body.
  • 7-9 months

    7-9 months
    The children can start to sit and move without any support. They begin to understand simple gestures and could potentially start to understand their name. Now, the Pincer Grasp develops which allows the child to start picking up small objects
  • Year one

    Year one
    The baby's brain grows about 1.7 grams a day. Specifically, during their first year, their brain doubles in size. They begin to focus on their vision, reach out, explore, and create. The also begin to learn their language.
  • 10-12 months

    10-12 months
    Simple gestures such as waving begin (inferior frontal gyrus & posterior temporal region). The children may also start to talk, and they can understand more words than they can say (Broca's area develops more, same with Wernicke's area).
  • 2 years old

    2 years old
    Vocabulary begins to advance, and the children start to combine words they know into more complex sentences. The brain reaches about 80 percent of its adult size at this age.,long%20as%20they%20show%20interest.