Booshky vladomav immigration

Booshky Vladomav Immigration

  • Period: to

    Immigration and Westward Expansion

  • Family Murdered

    I grew up in Abinsk, Russia. When I was sixteen, I didn't pay some guys from Ireland who I lost a bet with. Ever since then, they have been hunting me down. Finally, they found my house and burnt it down, killing my parents and younger brother while I was out gathering food. I came home to the worst sight in my life...
  • Travel to America

    While hiding in the shadows, I finally realized that I wouldn't survive anymore in Russia. Russian Jews were discriminated and killed. I didn't like having that as a possible outcome. I also had angry men out to kill me. Miraculously, I set off for the next boat to America. That day, I snuck onto the boat and hid in the galley, nearly freezing to death at night. I had $2 total to pay for my travels, which was not enough.
  • Arrival to America

    I arrived in America, and while I was incredibly happy, I was more scared than anything. I found a loophole in the health and security checks, and avoided them. Wow, was I overjoyed. Immediatly, I began stealing everything I could to pay for my travels. I knew it was bad, but I had nothing. Nothing, except for the clothes on my body and the shoes on my feet. Who knew that socks would be so expensive?
  • Finding Hope

    I was fighting for my life, struggling for survival. I was forced to dig holes each night, and eat grass and worms. I felt like a piece of pathetic sludge. While traveling, I came upon what looked like an abandoned home. It reminded me of my own; burnt, smelly, empty... I was sleeping on the wooden floor one night under the stars when a strange crackling noise came from the ground, and the floor collapsed down into a small room. Inside the room were two chests, filled to the brim with clay...
  • A Proper Home

    I hauled the chests across the land, eventually coming up on the perfect piece. It was flat, and there were apple trees and rich black soil. Using the clay, I began cooking bricks in the sunlight. Eventually, I had a proper home.
  • Farming

    Began to plant seeds that I found under a tree. I had large amounts of hope. I thought I could soon start a farm.
  • Sign of Business

    Apple trees grew around my house. Other settlers dribbled in around me, and soon I had a business going. My apples and small wheat growth has earned me 3 dollars a week. I finally have some new socks. I bought them from a man in town. We called out town Appleson, because of my apples that were very red and juicy.
  • Business Growth

    My apples are selling outside of Appleson. I have a pay of about 7 dollars a week. I couldn't be happier. I take that back. I wish my wheat would grow. I have an oppertunity to make it big, and I am excited.
  • Right on the Money

    I traveled into town, and wandered into a bar. I made a bet with other three guys that live in Appleson. The bet was that I couldn't sell more than 15 dollars the this week. I sold 13 dollars by Wednesday. Suddenly, a businessman from outside of Appleson bought a load of apples, for 20 dollars! I won the bet, and I now had 60 dollars in savings. I felt rich already.
  • Success

    I have employees and a company name for my apple business. Vlady's Apples is rolling in some big cash, but not nearly as much as the next offer I was given. A man from New York told me he wouldgive me 3,000 dollars for my company. Another man said 5,000! More and more men wanted my business. Finally, I sold my business to a man from Oklahoma for 10,000 dollars!
  • A Proper Home 2

    My new home has been built. Calling it a home would be short-said, actually. It's a MANSION. It has large stone walls and a bronze gate at the front. I spent 9,000 dollars of my hard earned money on this house. I am finally living the American Drem, and noone can stop me- or so I thought...
  • They Found Me

    The men from Ireland came all this way just for me. I was checking in on my business, which was now called Doun Incorporated, and when I returned home, my house was destroyed. My gate was smashed down, my windows were all cracked if not gone, my piano was on fire, the right side of my house looked like what my old house looked like... I had nothing, and I had to start over.
  • A New Beginning

    My new business was also an apple farm. My apples were nothing compared to what they used to be. I had nobody to help me wash them, grow them, or even pick them. If I wanted my business back, I would put the old one out... So mulishisly, I burnt down the fields, clubbed the owner and kicked out the employees. I was getting my company back; and I was committed.
  • It Worked

    My plan worked. While I scared myself for doing it, I got my business back. The soil was rich with burnt apples. My fields were clean and smelled of apple pie. I slept in the old workroom. While the production of appples was worked down to only me, m=business returned immediatley. I was back to a solid 5 dollars...
  • Business is Growing

    I am wealthy. Not rich, but wealthy. My employees are back, my business is back, and my money is back. I couldn't be happier. $400 in savings, and more money coming in. I guees you could say I was in a very comfortable position.
  • An Offer

    I had to turn down an offer today. While a man from Ellis Island offered to pay me $4,000 for Vlady's Apples, I had more faith in the business that he did. I knew that someday I would sell my business for millions of dollars. I would be the richest man of them all!!!
  • Worth the Risk?

    A health inspector told me that there was a suspected virus traveling through the west. He suggested that I move out of Appleson or risk losing my business and my life. I decided that Vlady's Apples and Appleson meant so much to me, that I would want to die here more than anywhere. I stayed...
  • I'm Rich!!!

    I sold my business, and my employees, and my apples. I never thought I could retire at this age, but look where I am now. Vlady's Apples has been sold to a rich man from the east for a ridiculous amount of money. I still can't belive it myself. I had $612,000 in a heartbeat!!!
  • A Proper Home 3

    I have started building my new $20,000 house on a hill overlooking Appleson. This time, it will have larger gates and a much safer stucture. Nobody's getting into my house now. I plan to use the rest of my money for my best friend, Makov, to come to America. He is the only one of my family and firnds who wasn't murdered. He can live in my house. I sure am excited for him to see how succesful I am.
  • Virus

    The virus spreading through the west as hit Appleson. A kid, 11 years old, was killed due to this virus after eating some bread. The wheat farmer of Appleson was accused of murder and taken into custody. I was scared. What would happen if my apples caught the virus? The virus was spread through worms, and worms love apples...
  • Deathwish

    I wasn't expecting this one. I bit into one of my apples for a snack and became very sick. I knew what it was immediatley. The virus had caught up to my apples. While all of my apples were deeply inspected and cleaned, onenmade it through, and it happened to be the one that I bit into. The doctors say I have six years to live. Not the kind of news you want to hear on Halloween...
  • Goodbye

    I was killed due to an unkown virus spreading from worms through Appleson. I was one of six killed from this disease. My fortune went to Makov, who used it to buy Vlady's Apples. He kept the name in honor of me, and has $1,000,000 to his name now. His apples gurantee the greatest apples in all of America, and they live up to that title. His money has paid for research on the virus that took me. He now has a wife and son. His son's name is Vlad Ramerov, named after me...