Biotech photo 1

Biotechnolagy timeline

  • Cells

    Robert Hooke coined the ter cells and Anton Van Leeuwenhoek observed the first microrganisms because of the invention of the microscope
  • Pea Plants

    Pea Plants
    Gregor mendel. discovered simple laws of inheritance this allowed one to predict the outcome of crosseswith certain traits
  • Fermentation

    Louis Pastur described the scientific basis for fermentaion, wine making, and the brewing of beer, established the science of microbiology and prposed the germ theory, claming microrganisms were resonsible for infectious disease
  • Nucleaic acid

    Nucleaic acid
    John Miescher found nucleic acid in white blood cells from pus in bandages, this later lead scieenctists to believe DNA might be the inheritable material of an organism
  • Fruit Flies

    Fruit Flies
    studying fruit flies Thomas yhunt Morgan discovered genes were on chromesomes
  • Genetics and bactira

    Genetics and bactira
    Fred Griffen used mice and proved that genetic material could be moved from one strain of bactira to another
  • Fungus

    Sir Alexander Fleming isolated penacillin from fungus , many of his ideas are used in bio-tech today
  • DNA

    Chargaff showed that in DNA the number of units of adenine eqwueled those thymine and hte other number of units of cytosine equeled thos of guanie
  • One gene one enzyme

    One gene one enzyme
    Beadle and Tatum proposed one gene produces one enzyme. in
  • continuing one gene one enzyme

    continuing one gene one enzyme
    Avery Mcarty and Mecleod established that indeed Dna was hereditary material that was transferred.
  • blender experiment

    blender experiment
    Hershey and Chase proved viruses replicate using DNA and confirmed DNA as hereditary material
  • x-ray

    Rosdalind Frankilin and Maurice Wilkins established through x-ray crystallographgy that DNA was a double helix
  • DNA

    Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA
  • Plasmid DNA

    Plasmid DNA
    ROland discovered Plasmid DNA circular DNA found in bactiria
  • gene expression

    gene expression
    Walter Glibert discoverd the mechinism of gene expression through his study of messenger RNA
  • bactiral reconstuctuion

    bactiral reconstuctuion
    Arber Nathans and SMith discovered bacterial reconstuction enzymes that cut DNA
  • amino acids

    amino acids
    Khorana and Nierenberg discovered the 64 codons that code for the 20n amino acids making up proteins
  • purified plasmids

    purified plasmids
    DNA plasmids were isolated and purified by VInograd
  • Bactirium

    Madel and Hitga were reponsible for the first transformation of the bactirium Escherichia COli
  • cloning

    CLoning experiments were conducted by Boyer and Cohen
  • Genetic engeneering

    Genetic engeneering
    Genetech was the first genetic engeneering company
  • recombiant DNA

    recombiant DNA
    140 scientists met to draw up the guidelines for work with recombiant DNA in microrganisms, Paul Berg was the key organizer
  • pollymerase chain

    pollymerase chain
    Kary Mullins invented polymearase chan reactionamplifi DNA
  • insulin

    Bioyerr inserted a synthetic insulin gene into e-coli
  • Vitro fertalization

    Vitro fertalization
    Louise joy brown was born the first human baby resulting in virto fertalization in which sperm and egg are formed in a petri dish, the egg is later implanted in the womb
  • genetically altered life

    genetically altered life
    the U.S supreme court ruled that genetical altered life forms can be planted resulted in huge strt up of biotech companies
  • transgenic animals

    transgenic animals
    ohio university scientists made the first trangenic animals
  • humane insulin

    humane insulin
    Eli Lilly place insulin into bactiria
  • Transformationplants

    Schell Chiltion Van Montagu Fraley and Hosch transformed plants with agrobactirum metiated gene tranmsfer
  • flouresent

    automatic flouresent sequencer, speeding up the labor
  • RFLP

    Jefferies applied RFLP in DNA profiling to study criminal cases
  • organism

    genes moved into an organism through use of gene gun
  • PLANts

    NIH revised saftey guidlines for recombiant DNA include plants grow in greenhouses and animals raised in barns
  • RNA

    Andrew fire and Craig Mello discovered RNA interference silencing in the worm ELEGANs
  • MAb

    kolher milstein and jerne ised monoclonal antibody
  • artifical chromesomes

    artifical chromesomes
    Maynard olson created artifical chromesomes or yac are expression vectors for large proteins
  • dolly sheep

    dolly sheep
    Ian Wilmust cloned dolly the sheep
  • DNA Microarray

    DNA Microarray
    looking at genes of an organism ar one time on a microscope slide
  • Automsted DNA sequencer

    autmated sequencer invented by dabiri and garner
  • MRNA

    ROn Breaker coined term ribswitch mRNA molocule regenerate
  • huiman genome prject

    huiman genome prject
    completion of human genome project by Fransis Collins