Discovery of Natural Selection
Charles Darwin discovers evolution through a journey to the Galapagos Islands through the Finch establishing his book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection." -
Hereditary Traits
Gregor Mendel experiments with pea plants, demonstrating genes remain distinct through a mixture of the parents traits blending in children providing support to Darwin -
DNA Isolation
Frederick Miescher isolated DNA from cells and calls it "Nuclein" -
Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
Theodor Boveri discovers the idea of chromosomal individuality providing examples and proof of the hereditary role and behavior of chromosomes. Boveri published Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Nervenfasern' -
Chromosomes Theory of Inheritance
Walter Sutton discovers the segregation of chromosomes during meiosis eventually matching Mendel's work -
Chiasmatype Theory
Frans Janssen discovers the crossing over of Genes during meiosis approving of Mendels work creating 'chiasmatypie' -
Chromosomes Carry Genes
Scientist Thomas Hunt Morgan discovers chromosomes transmitting genes and genetic linkage through a study using fruit flies. -
Jumping Genes
Barbara McClintock used corn as an experiment, her results conclude genes move around with chromosomes and the genome is more dynamic, these transporters are called "Transposons" found in many species -
DNA Double Helix
Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the double helix of DNA -
Exact Amount of Chromosomes
Joe Hin Tijo discovered the exact amount of human chromosomes. His work concluded 46 exact chromosomes in human cells paving the way for future researchers in relation to chromosomal abnormalities. -
DNA Copies Enzymes
Arthur Kornberg isolated DNA polymerase, discovering DNA copies Enzymes that will eventually be used in DNA sequencing -
Genetic Code Cracked
Scientists Marshall Niberg and others discover genetic code allowing nucleic acids with 4 letter alphabets determine the order of 20 kinds of amino acids in proteins -
First Recombinant DNA
Scientists produce recombinant molecules by joining bacterium into a hybrid DNA into a host cell from another species ending in a recombinant DNA -
DNA Sequencing
Scientists Fredrick Sanger, Allan Maxam, and Walter Gilbert developed the "Sanger Method" which creates a rapid DNA sequencing method. Modern scientists test with colored dye to identify each of the four nucleic acids that make up DNA -
Introns Discovered
Eukaryotic genes contain many interruptions called introns, these create proteins and do not specify amino acids. This discovery was made by scientists Richard Roberts and Phil Roberts.