350 BCE
Scala Naturae
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath. He also had a had is several other categories. He lived from 384-322 b.c.e. In that time, he was the first to give an ordered classification to living things on the planet. http://palaeos.com/systematics/greatchainofbeing/scala_naturae.html -
Galen and the Human Body
Galen did lots of research and dissections on animals such as apes and pigs. He had lots of theories such as veins carry blood and not air. Lots of these were incorrect, however. http://www.greekmedicine.net/whos_who/Galen.html -
Hypothesis of Evolution
Lamarck developed Hypothesis of Evolution by means of acquired characteristics and presented the information he found in 1801. He believed that the changes organisms go through due to their environment are passed to their offspring. http://necsi.edu/projects/evolution/lamarck/lamarck/lamarck_lamarck.html -
HMS Beagle
The first voyage of the HMS Beagle started on December 27, 1831. There were 73 men as the crew with Captain FitzRoy at the helm. This voyage gave Darwin new area to research and places to explore. https://www.aboutdarwin.com/voyage/voyage03.html -
Wallace Who?
Alfred Russel Wallace, Like Darwin, made several discoveries in evolution research, but Darwin got most of the credit. After Wallace sent Darwin a paper explaining his findings, the pair released a joint paper in 1858. It explained evolution and natural selection. https://www.npr.org/2013/04/30/177781424/he-helped-discover-evolution-and-then-became-extinct -
On the Origin of Species
On the Origin of Species was published on November 24th, 1859, by Charles Darwin. His book was all about natural selection and how evolution occurred through it. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/origin-of-species-is-published-2 -
Germ Theory
Before Louis Pasteur found out about germs between 1860 and 1864, it was thought that organism just occurred in other substances. Pasteur found that fermentation and other similar processes were caused by organism already in the air that then reacted with the material they landed on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease -
Pea Plants
Gregor Mendel did genetic research with pea plants for eight years. During that time, Mendel grew over 10,000 pea plants and discovered the three Laws of Heredity. http://www.dnaftb.org/1/bio.html -
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
The Hardy-Weinberg equation is an equation that helps to tell how different alleles will appear and when and how they are expected to change. This http://www.biologyreference.com/Gr-Hi/Hardy-Weinberg-Equilibrium.html -
Sex Linkage
Morgan started his research on the possibility of sex linked traits in 1910. He researched flies and the color of their eyes. Males with white eyes died where as the females with white eyes did not. https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/thomas-hunt-morgan-and-sex-linkage-452 -
Bohr Model
Niels Bohr created his model of the atom in 1913. His model showed the possible areas of the electrons in rings as well as the densely packed nucleus. https://www.britannica.com/science/Bohr-atomic-model -
Griffith performed his experiment that lead to his though of transformation in 1928. He injected certain bacteria into mince to see what would kill them and what wouldn't and how that affected later generations. https://explorable.com/transforming-principle -
Genetics and the Origin of Species
Theodosius Dobzhansky published Genetics and the Origin of Species in 1937. Severl other scientists had done this sort of research, but his book and findings refined it and made it easier for a broader scope of people to understand. http://www.pnas.org/content/94/15/7691.full -
One Gene, One Enzyme
Beadle and Tatum published the one gene one enzyme hypothesis in 1941. This hypothesis suggested that there was only one gene to program every one enzyme in organisms. https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/george-w-beadles-one-gene-one-enzyme-hypothesis -
Jacques Cousteau invented the first scuba gear in 1943. He called it the "Aqua-Lung." Two years later, he started the French Navy's undersea research group. https://www.biography.com/people/jacques-cousteau-9259496 -
DNA is the Carrier
Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty helped show the how DNA is the carrier of genetic information by working with a type of bacteria. https://www.yourgenome.org/stories/revealing-dna-as-the-molecule-of-life -
Ensatina was first called a ring species by Robert Stebbins in 1949. A "ring species" is a species that breeds and adapts and creates new species and eventually blends back into itself. Stebbins believed that the salamanders started in Northern California and Oregon and moved south until they once again met in Southern California. https://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/0_0_0/devitt_02 -
Hershey-Chase Blender Experiments
Hershey and Chase conducted theses experiments to prove that DNA is the carrier of genetic information rather than protein. Instead, they found that DNA is the source of genetic material. https://paulingblog.wordpress.com/2009/08/18/the-hershey-chase-blender-experiments/ -
Miller-Urey Experiments
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey carried out some experiments in 1952 to try to date life on earth. They published their results in 1953. At the end of the experiment they found amino acids which are the building blocks for proteins. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/earth/earthsatmosphererev4.shtml -
Double Helix
The double helix of DNA was discovered in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. This was a big deal because it greatly helped the new research of DNA and protein synthesis. https://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/SC/Views/Exhibit/narrative/doublehelix.html -
Cracking the Code
Marshall Nirenberg found the first part of a section of DNA in 1941. He discovered the first triplet. Five years later, the rest were found out. http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/resources/timeline/1961_Nirenberg.php -
This theory was first put together by Lynn Margulis in 1967. The theory says that bits of cells were taken into other cells and then used for that cell's life. https://www.biology.iupui.edu/biocourses/N100/2k2endosymb.html -
Apollo 11
Apolla 11 landed on the moon on July 20th, 1969. This meant that earth had finally reached the moon. The first Americans who were lucky enough to takes steps on the moon's surface were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. https://airandspace.si.edu/explore-and-learn/topics/apollo/apollo-program/landing-missions/apollo11.cfm -
Nothing in Science Makes Sense
Theodosius Dobzhansky wrote this essay in 1973, criticizing anti-evolution creationism and supporting theistic evolution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_in_Biology_Makes_Sense_Except_in_the_Light_of_Evolution -
Lucy, the Australopithecus afarensis fossil, was found in 1974 by Donald Johnson in Hadar, Ethiopia. She's about 3.2 million years old. Lucy was named after a Beatles song that was popular at the time of her discovery. https://australianmuseum.net.au/australopithecus-afarensis -
Splicing is a process that occurs in DNA. It was first found in the 1970s and helped explain why there were long strons of mRNA around. http://www.cell.com/trends/biochemical-sciences/fulltext/S0968-0004(05)00092-7 -
Sanger Technique
The Sanger Technique was developed by Frederick Sanger in 1977. The point of this technique was to terminated chains of DNA. This would happen during vitro DNA replication. https://www.google.com/search?q=when+was+The+Sanger+Technique+is+developed&oq=when+was+The+Sanger+Technique+is+developed&aqs=chrome..69i57.8394j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 -
Lee Andrews
Tommy Lee Andrews was convicted a rapist on November 6th, 1987 by DNA match. The fingerprints at the scene already matched, but the police wanted further evidence. http://articles.latimes.com/1997-03-02/local/me-33996_1_serial-rapist -
“Reproductive isolation as a consequence of adaptive divergence in Drosophila pseudoobscrura” published
The “Reproductive isolation as a consequence of adaptive divergence in Drosophila pseudoobscrura” was published on September 9th, 1989. In short, the articles were about reproductive isolation. Dodd and the other scientists wanted to know what caused this. The experiment was conducted using eight lines of Drosophila pseudoobscura, which are flies. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1558-5646.1989.tb02577.x/abstract -
Innocence Project
The Innocence Project is a foundation created by Peter Neufeld and Barry Scheck to help those who are wrongly accused. The foundation uses the DNA of the convicted to clear their name. https://www.innocenceproject.org/about/ -
CRISPr and Cas9
Francisco Mojica first came across CRISPr in 1993. He did research on in until May, 2005. This sequence codes for an adaptive immune system. Cas9 is a large protein that has nuclease activity. https://www.broadinstitute.org/what-broad/areas-focus/project-spotlight/crispr-timeline -
Dolly the Sheep
Dolly the Sheep was born on July 5th, 1996 and died on February 14th, 2003. She was the first cloned mammal. https://www.google.com/search?q=when+was+dolly+the+sheep+cloned&oq=when+was+dolly+the+sheep+cloned&aqs=chrome..69i57.3468j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 -
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
The Sahelanthropus tchadensis was discovered by a team led by Michel Brunet between July, 2001, and March, 2002. This species was names in 2002. The S. tchadensis is said to be the oldest known human ancestor and is dated to be between six and seven million years old. The fossils have been found from Toros-Menalla in the Djurab desert of Chad, Africa. https://australianmuseum.net.au/sahelanthropus-tchadensis -
Human Genome
The Human Genome was fully sequenced on April 14th, 2003, by the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium. The genome is now public and can be seen by anyone. In fact, updates are added every twenty-four hours. The genome is the complete set of our (specifically though, it is unknown who has been genomed) DNA. https://www.genome.gov/11006943/human-genome-project-completion-frequently-asked-questions/ -
Homo denisova
A small finger bone fossil was found in 2008. This fossil did not appear out of the ordinary, but when a DNA test was ran on it, it turns out that fossil was actually veyr out of the ordinary. This small fossil, names the Homo densova, was a new type of fossil since it did not belong to a Neandertal or modern human. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/denisova.html