How I Came to Be, Ethan Wong

By Won0805
  • Parents

    My parents are both in government leadership positions, and they've been teaching me what it means to be a leader since my birth. How to be an active functioning human was taught to me by my parents, and without them, I would not be here. They were the first, and likely the most, who shaped me into what I am today.
  • ICS (Event)

    I came into ICS in kindergarten, and I’ve been in it ever since. This school has most definitely shaped me. All my friendships and lessons have originated from here, and I owe my personality to this school. I’m grateful for my parents, and ICS for making me who I am today.
  • Sean Tam

    My first and to this day, best friend. We met when we were three, and since then, we've supported and helped each other. After 13 years of friendship, we've both developed our own unique traits and personalities. During elementary, we were placed in different classes and didn't speak much, but at middle school, our friendship was rekindled, and we became best friends again. Although my extroversion contrasts with his introversion, we still respect and value each other.
  • Janice Ma

    I met Janice in R2B, our kindergarten class, along with sean. We didn’t really connect until middle school, and during then, we became great friends. While Sean was the friend you would go to to chill and play games, Janice is the friend that helps you study and focus on academics. Our parents are great friends, and as a result, we get together often. We’ve been friends for over 4 years now, and we respect each other.
  • Dee

    I am largely defined by my favorite sport - Swimming. I started when I was 5, and swam till around a year ago. The only reason I stopped swimming was because coronavirus. After bouncing around different swim classes, none being successful in teaching the chaotic child I was, my father finally found Dee, the best swim coach. She had been in the Hong Kong swim team, and her skills were incredible. Under her tutelage, I became faster and faster but I only found my passion after Mr. Lau taught me.
  • Minecraft (Event)

    Gaming is a major part of my life, and the first game I ever played was minecraft. In it’s 11-year long life, I’ve played for 8 years. I still play it today, and when I’m bored, it’s still the first game I log onto. Minecraft has taught me art and appreciation. It also taught me the amount of effort and time you put into something is how good you will be at that something.
  • Joining Marlince (Event)

    Marlince was the swim team that Dee taught. Until before coronavirus, I swam in this team for years. Janice and a few other friends also swam in this team, but we’ve all stopped because of Coronavirus. This team serves as not only a sport, but also a hobby and stress reliever.
  • Mr. Lau

    While Dee developed my swimming skills and direct form of my swimming, Mr. Lau helped my physical and mental strength. He invited me to the school swim team, and because of this, I gained motivation to continue and enjoy swimming. After joining the swim team, with motivation from Mr. Lau, I became a even better swimmer.
  • Mr. Granberg

    Mr. Granbergy was my first step into Christianity. I always directly correlated religion with school, and Mr. Granberg, leading my roots group, led me to truly bring christianity into my life, not just a grade in school.;
  • Joining the School Swim Team (Event)

    The school swim team brought out my competitive nature in swimming. Before joining the school team, I had no interest in racing or competing in swimming galas. After joining the team and swimming in a few competitions, I found the racing aspect of swimming. I finally had true motivation besides my parents to continue swimming.
  • Gabriel

    The year I went to younglife, my counselor was Gabriel, I appreciated him a lot, and looked up to him. I was ecstatic when he announced that he was to become the younglife representative for ICS. Younglife was one of the best experiences of my life, and Gabriel only help improve.
  • Ka Wang

    In grade 7, Ka Wang joined our facegroup, and we had the same schedule, so we became great friends. He is my second best friend, only being topped by sean’s history with me. Ka wang has been supportive and wise over the years, and I would like to think that we’ve helped each other in tough times. Today, he focuses on philosophy, while I love science, so we often have heated debates that always end in a stalemate. I trust him and he’s one of my best friends.
  • Joining Younglife (Event)

    This was the first time I left hong Kong all by myself, and it really helped me mature. Younglife also created and strengthened many friendships that I have now. My religious beliefs were also strengthened, and I became closer to both my friends and to God. I am definitely who I am today with help from Younglife.
  • Mr. Vander Kooi

    Mr. VDK replaced Mr. Granberg as our roots group leader, as he left with his wife. Mr. VDK also, in the same year, became my face group teacher too. He was an excellent teacher, and he taught me so much. He elevated my belief to another level, as well as forging closer bonds with all of our group members. Whenever I have religious questions, he is the first I turn to.
  • WWW Singapore (Event)

    WWW Singapore was my first WWW leaving Hong Kong, and like Younglife, it strengthened all the friendships that I had today. Rhys, Kawang, Sean, were all in this trip, and we became even closer friends. Singapore was a gift from God, the last year of rest, as the next year was highschool, and combined with coronavirus, the most difficult year yet.
  • Coronavirus (Event)

    The coronavirus has been good and bad for me. My love of swimming was prevented, while my love for gaming was encouraged. I could stay home all day and not have to walk to school, and in ways, it made seeing my friends a more valuable experience, as the times we interacted became more and more limited.
  • Reading "A History of Time" (Event)

    Stephen Hawking's phenomenal book allowed me to gain an even deeper understanding of the world of physics, my favorite science. This book gave me deeper insight, and let me understand how other scientists think.
  • New Computer (Event)

    My dad bought me a whole new powerful computer in 10th grade, and it was my first step into actual gaming. As I said, I loved gaming, but I used to play on a slow laptop, but with this computer, I finally have somethign to play on. Because of this fancy new powerful computer, I’ve had chances to play games that I would have never tried on my old computer. These new games have shaped who I am, and in the future, shape who I will become.
  • Nintendo Switch (Event)

    When coronavirus started, my family got the nintendo switch, and it was my first gaming console. Similar to how a new PC opened me to many new apps and games, a new console opened me to a whole new world of gaming. My second favorite game, Breath of the Wild, is on the switch, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. A unique thing about this is that Breath of the Wild has amazing music, which led me to gain a greater appreciation for music, and in turn, my instrument. All because of a gaming console.
  • Connor Tsih

    My friendship with Connor started in 6th grade, but it truly became prominent this year. We became much closer, and we share many common interests. Even though this friendship is relatively new, he has influenced me and motivated me to pursue interests that I never thought. I play chess with him every other day, and we have became very good friends.