Ben Brickner Project: Technology of the Industrial Revolution

  • James Watt - Watt Steam Engine

    James Watt - Watt Steam Engine
    James Watt invented the Watt Steam Engine which made transportation a lot easier for people, goods, and services.
  • Richard Arkwright - Water Frame

    Richard Arkwright - Water Frame
    The Water Frame was Richard Arkwright's most important invention. It was a spinning frame powered by a water wheel.
  • James Hargreaves - Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves - Spinning Jenny
    The spinning jenny was James Hargreaves' most important invention. It made making textile products a lot easier.
  • Charles Townshend - Four Field System Crop Rotation

    Charles Townshend - Four Field System Crop Rotation
    This type of crop rotation was Charles Townshend's most important invention. It made it so that fields and crop fields would yield more product and stay fertile.
  • Eli Whitney - Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney - Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney's most important invention was the Cotton Gin. This invention made it easier to manufacture and cure cotton.
  • Alessandro Volta - The Battery

    Alessandro Volta - The Battery
    The battery is Alessandro Volta's most important invention and it was made easily and produced on a big scale after 1800.
  • Joseph Marie Jacquard - The Jacquard Machine

    Joseph Marie Jacquard - The Jacquard Machine
    This Jacquard Machine made by Joseph Marie Jacquard made textile production very cheap and easy.
  • George Stephenson - The Steam Locomotive

    George Stephenson - The Steam Locomotive
    The Steam Locomotive was George Stephenson's most important invention. It made transporting various things a lot easier.
  • Louis Daguerre - The Photograph and Photography

    Louis Daguerre - The Photograph and Photography
    Louis Daguerre invented the photograph and photography which was his most important invention. He is credited as the "Father of photography".
  • Samuel Morse - Morse Code

    Samuel Morse - Morse Code
    Samuel Morse is credited with inventing Morse Code, which is a language that made communication via the telegraph a lot easier and faster.
  • Henry Bessemer - The Bessemer Process

    Henry Bessemer - The Bessemer Process
    Henry Bessemer is credited with creating the Bessemer Process. This process made steel manufacturing cheap and quick.
  • Alexander Graham Bell - The Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell - The Telephone
    The telephone was Bell's most important invention and it made communication a lot easier.
  • Thomas Edison - The Incandescent Light bulb

    Thomas Edison - The Incandescent Light bulb
    The Light bulb is one of Thomas Edison's most important inventions. The light bulb brought light into a lot of homes safely.
  • Gottlieb Daimler - The Grandfather Clock

    Gottlieb Daimler - The Grandfather Clock
    The Grandfather Clock was Gottlieb Daimler's most important invention and it made a nice centerpiece for a lot of middle class and higher class houses.
  • Guglielmo Marconi - The Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi - The Radio
    Guglielmo Marconi is credited with creating the first radio which is obviously a very big invention. IT made communication a lot easier.