1st Month
-Turns toward familiar sounds or voices
-Moves head from side to side while laying on stomach
-Prefers sweet smells -
2nd Month
-Strong sucking reflex
-Can see up to 18 inches away
-Starts making different noises -
3rd Month
-Stretch out legs and kick
-Can support head and chest with arms while laying on stomach
-Can sleep up to 6 or 7 hours at a time -
4th Month
-Roll over from stomach to back
-Teething may begin (drooling)
-Reaches for toys -
5th Month
-May sit unsupported for seconds at a time
-May hold bottle or sippy cup by him/herself
-Grasp gets stronger -
6th Month
-Sits up alone
-Roll around the floor
-Start eating slid foods -
7th Month
-Starts crawling
-Teeth start growing
-Can sit unassisted and reach for toys -
8th Month
-Pull themselves up
-Add finger foods
-Starts having separation anxiety -
9th Month
-May say words like Mama or Dada
-Stranger anxiety
-Experts at crawling -
10th Month
-Starts copying things you do
-Wave bye and clap hands
-Understand simple objects and words -
11th Month
-Start to feed him/herself
-Arranges toys in color
-Start climbing -
12th Month!
-May walk 2 or 3 steps without support
-Puts objects in/out of containers
-Helps while being dressed