4 months
The babies continue to prone and babbling, supine position, and rocking. -
The baby has neck reflexes, head turns side to side, and lots of crying. -
3 months
The babies turn to prone position, respond to voices, cooing, and laughing. -
5 months
The baby turns back to supine from prone. -
6-7 months
The baby rolls from stomach to stomach, smiles to familiar faces, recognize strangers, and teeth start coming in. -
9 months
They are able to pull themselves up by holding something. -
10-11 months
The baby can sit with good control, pivot, and walk while holding hands. -
12 months
The baby can walk with one hand being held and start to say real words. -
15 months
The baby can push chair around, climb, get down from chair, show interest in familiar people and want to be with the people they know. -
18 months
The baby runs and falls, and climbs stairs by creeping. -
24 months
The baby walks backwards and on toes, run with out falling and climb stars without creeping.