- Newborn babies will gain an ounce a day and be around 20 inches.
- They will have the root, suck, moro, tonic neck, grasp, babinski, and the step reflexes.
- At this age, the only communication available is crying.
- Newborn babies may show understanding with a smile, getting startled, and looking at faces in pictures.
- The baby is now a toddler and can do much more.
- They can walk/run alone by the age of 15 months. -They'll feed themselves mainly by hand, bt will begin to use a spoon.
- Their first molar tooth will grow in.
- One afternoon nap will be taken.
- At one year, your toddler will be able to say 4-6 words.
- They can understand one-step questions and object permanence.
- They can recognize their own face in a mirror and locate different body parts.
- They may gain an average of 4 to 6 pounds and grow 2 to 3 inches per year.
- Child can walk and run well.
- They can jump slightly.
- They can throw, catch, and kick balls.
- Have good thumb and finger control.
- Says about 200-300 words.
- Begins to build three word sentences.
- Can name pictures.
- May begin to problem solve.
- Shows independence from parents.
- Still throws temper tantrums.
- Can interact of play with others.
- Run and jump well.
- Can go up stairs without assistance.
- Can wash and dry hands.
- Stacks blocks.
- Uses spoon well and feeds oneself.
- Can dress and undress self for the most part.
- Concentrates for eight to nine minutes.
- Has 20 baby teeth.
- Uses potty chair or toilet.
- Should be able to say 500-900 words.
- Progresses to four to five word sentences.
- Can remember simple rhymes or lyrics.
- Understands size differences.
- Understands long sentences.
- May have fears.
- Sings a song.
- Skips and hops on one foot.
- Catches and throws a ball overhand.
- Walks downstairs alone.
- Draws a person with three separate body parts.
- Understands the difference between fantasy and reality.
- Will ask questions constantly.
- May know one color or more
- Likes to tell stories.
- May obey parent’s rules, but does not understand right from wrong.
- Start to understand time
- Mood swings
- May have imaginary friends.
- Very independent, wants to do things on his or her own
- Walks backward
- Begins learning to tie shoes
- Knows address and phone number
- Recognizes and recites the alphabet
- Permanent teeth may begin coming in
- May put together six to eight words into a sentence
- Can name coins and money
- Can understand commands with multiple instructions
- Talks frequently
- May compare rules of parents with that of friends
- Eager to please others and make them happy
- Likes to cook and play sports
- Dresses self completely without help
AGE 6-7
- Enjoys many activities and stays busy
- May lose first tooth
- Vision is as sharp as an adult’s vision
- Practices skills in order to become better
- Rides a bike
- Understands concept of numbers
- Knows daytime and nighttime
- Knows right and left hands
- Can copy complex shapes, such as a diamond
- Can tell time
- Can explain objects and their use
- Can repeat three numbers backwards
- Can read age-appropriate books and/or materials
- Cooperates and shares
AGE 8-9
- More graceful with movements and abilities
- Dresses and grooms self completely
- Can use tools.
- Can count backwards
- Knows the date
- Reads more and enjoys reading
- Understands fractions
- Understands concept of space
- Can name months and days of week, in order
- Enjoys collecting objects
- Likes competition and games
- Modest about body
- Enjoys clubs and groups, such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts
- Becoming interested in boy-girl relationships, but does not admit it
AGE 10
- Remainder of adult teeth will develop
- Writes stories
- Likes to write letters
- Reads well
- Enjoys using the telephone
- Friends are very important; may have a best friend
- Increased interest in the opposite gender
- Likes and respects parents
- Enjoys talking to others