My Birth
At 9:18 pm in the Baptist hospital in downtown Nashville, the most amazing baby was born at 6 lbs 12 ounces. My mom didnt know at the time but labor was going to be one of the easiest moments with me. My apgar test all came back as normal except for apperence. I was jaundice and had to stay under a light for a little while. -
Jacob's BIrth
On Feburary 21st, the day my brother was born I was at home sick with strep throat and couldnt visit my parents and brother in the hospital. I was only 5 at the time of his boirth and was devestated by this and cried to my grandmother about it for hours. The next day I had been able to go and see him and once I was there for about an hour I had told my mom I thought Jacob was annoying cause he cried alot and then proceeded to ask if we could trade him in for a puppy. Unfortunatly she said no. -
The first day of school for most kids is very truamatizing for me it was probably one of the most memorable events in my life. I couldnt wait for school to start because like I am now, I was a social butterfly and extroverted and loved being around people 24/7. School for me was the perefct opportunity to socialize. I made friends quicker than I learned the alphabet. -
Ash takes a fall in fall
On afternoon during 1st grade recess I thought i would be cool and follow all the older kids and try to do a cool trick and it didnt turn out very pretty. I jumped off of a landing and landed directly on my right arm. I got up and ran to my teacher. She then picked me up and ran me to the nurse who then called my parents and esscorted me to the ER. I eneded up having 3 surgeries on my wrist. The first one was from the original fall the other two were from me being a 7 year old and acting dumb. -
When my parents divorsed they sold the house my brother and I grew up in and had made many memories in. My mom rented an apartment to stay in and my dad moved back with his mom until he could find another place to buy. We spent Christmas morning at my grandmothers. She made it as homey as she could but it wasnt the same as being home -
Mom remarried
Mom remarried 2 years after her and my dad split up. Brad, my step dad had 2 kids already. Reed was two years younger than me and Andrew was 4 years younger than me. They all fit in with our family great. It was a big change going from only having one brother to three...little did I know i would later have another. Living in a single parent home was fun while it lastest but i enjoyed this new family a lot more. -
Along came the 4th brother
One night my mom and step dad sat me and my oldest brother Reed down and said they had to tell us something important. We were both hesistant to hear this news but wernt sure what to expect. They had told us they were expecting. 9 months later on May 8th my youngest brother Brody was born..Brad+Jody= Brody (creative) My mom was 309 so the doctors were scared of complication but Brody came out the healthiest baby, 9 lbs. 21 inches. -
Warning to citzens- lincensed driver
The day that every teenager looks forward to..sweet 16! I was probably the happiest teen on the planet when I turned 16 and could finnaly drive myself places rather than waiting on one of my parents to pick me up or drop me off. Unlike most first time drivers, I had no fear. My mom was hesitant to let me get my license because I had a "lead foot" and was recless but to this day I am wreck free :-) -
Finally free
GRADUATION DAY!! This picture describes me perfectly on graduation day..stressed and annoyed. I had so much going through my head that day. I was happy to finnaly be out of high school and I was ready to start a life in collge yet I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, like most people I was graduating with. -
History was made
In Mason, Ohio on Saturday November 21st Trevecca Volleyball made history by winning the GMAC conference for the first time in Treveccas history. When winning the championship we were all overcome with releif that all the 5 am practices and conditioning had finally piad off. We had made history and no other team at Trevecca could say that except for us