Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo's Birth
Leonardo is born in Anchiano, Tuscany (present-day Italy) -
Oct 8, 1466
Leonao's Apprenticeship
Leonardo at age 14, was apprenticed to Andrea DiCione. -
Dec 30, 1476
Leonardo's Disappearence
Leonardo disappears mysteriously fo two years. -
May 28, 1483
The Painting of the Virgin of Rocks
Leonardo paints the painting "Virgin of the Rocks". -
Jan 24, 1485
The Invention of the First Flying Machine
Leonardo invents the very first "flying machine". -
Mar 30, 1503
The Mona Lisa
Leonardo paints the world famous "Mona Lisa". -
Apr 30, 1506
Returning to Milan
Leonardo returns to Milan to work with the French rulers. -
Jul 16, 1513
Moving to Roam
Leonardo moved to Rome, with Salai, Melzi, and two studio assistants. -
Nov 12, 1515
Meeting King Francis and Pope Leo X
Leonardo meets France's King Francis and Pope Leo X in Bologna -
May 2, 1519
Leonardo's Death
Leonardo dies in Amboise, France at age 67.