
Cell Theory Development

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  • Athanasius Kircher Discovery

    Athanasius Kircher Discovery
    The Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher (1601– 1680) showed, in 1658, that maggots and other living creatures developed in decaying tissues.
    This event essentially contributed to the creation of the cell theory because this event develops the beginning stages of inspecting organisms, Thus influencing many other investigations to further the creation of the cell theory.
  • Hooke published Micrographia

    Hooke published Micrographia
    Hooke published Micrographia, the first important work devoted to microscopical observation.
    This is important to the making of the cell theory because it deals with microscopic observation of certain organism which is essential in being bale to look at cells and other interesting features of organisms
  • Investigations By Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek

    Investigations By Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek
    The particles that he saw under his microscope were motile and, assuming that motility equates to life, he went on to conclude, in a letter of 9 October 1676 to the Royal Society, that these particles were indeed living organisms.
    This is important to the creation of the cell theory because the discoveries that were made from these investigations showed that cells are alive
  • Achromatic Microscopes Were Introduced

    Achromatic Microscopes Were Introduced
    Only in the 1830s were achromatic microscopes introduced, allowing more precise histological observations
    This is essential to the creation/advancement of the cell theory/observation of cells, because this microscope gave biologist more sharper and better ways to see the organisms thus helping to observe other things.
  • The Cell Theory Was Formulated

    The Cell Theory Was Formulated
    Hints at the idea that the cell is the basic component of living organisms emerged well before 1838–39, which was when the
    cell theory was officially formulated
    This event is essential to the creation of the cell theory because this is the creation of the cell theory. Also because The cell Theory has helped to progress many other observation in Science/biological history.
  • "Free Cell Formation" Theory was Refuted

    "Free Cell Formation" Theory was Refuted
    This theory of ‘free cell formation’ was reminiscent of the old ‘spontaneous generation’ doctrine (although as an intracellular variant) but was refuted in the 1850s(by many scientist/biologist)
    This is important to the contribution of the cell theory because this helped tp eliminate any false doctrines that would change the perspective of cell theory
  • The Mechanics of Microscopes Greatly Improved

    The Mechanics of Microscopes Greatly Improved
    The introduction of the oil immersion lens in 1870, the development of the microtome technique and the use of new fixing methods and dyes greatly improved microscopy
    This event contributes to the cell theory/neuron theory, because the microscope used really helped scientist/biologist make better observations on there scientific investigations
  • Golgi Developed The Black Reaction

    Golgi Developed The Black Reaction
    The most important breakthrough in neurocytology and neuroanatomy came in 1873 when Golgi developed the ‘black reaction, which he announced to a friend with these few words, “I am delighted that I have...
    This Event contributed to the neuron theory because this event was considered as the most important breakthrough/investigation, that opened the doors for many biologist in the filed of neurology
  • Wilehim His Forwards an Idea

    Wilehim His Forwards an Idea
    the Swiss embryologist Wilhelm His (1831–1904) put forward the idea that the nerve cell body and its prolongations form an independent unit
    This event is important to the contribution/creation of the neuron theory because His idea/observation gave upcoming biologist a greater incite on nerves and how they operate. Thus, helping other biologist to build upon his research since its an idea.
  • Waldeyer Introduced The Term ‘‘Neurons’’

    Waldeyer Introduced The Term ‘‘Neurons’’
    In 1891, Waldeyer introduced the term ‘‘neurons’’ to indicate independent nerve cells. Thereafter, cell theory as applied to the nervous system became known as the ‘neuron theory’.
    This is the most essential contribution of the creation of the Cell/neuron theory because this event describes the making of the neuron theory. Also this event contributes to the creation of the term neuron.