Assignment 4 History of Technology

  • The Colossus was developed.

    The Colossus was developed.
    Tommy Flowers developed the Colossus. The Colossus was the first electric programmable computer.
  • The first programming language

    The first programming language
    The first programming language was Plankalkul, this was developed by Konrad Zuse. This language is used to communicate instructions to computers. But, this wasen't implemented until 1998.
  • EDSAC's first calculation

    EDSAC's first calculation
    EDSAC is considered to be the first stored program electronic computer. This computer also ran the first graphical computer game.
  • The first computer company

    The first computer company
    The first computer company was Electronic Controls Company. This company was founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
  • ERA 1101 delivered to the U.S. Govt.

    ERA 1101 delivered to the U.S. Govt.
    ERA 1101 is considered the first computer capable of storing and running a program from memory. The ERA 1101 was the first computer made in Japan.
  • The Whirlwind machine

    The Whirlwind machine
    MIT introduced the Whirlwind machine, a 'revolutionary computer'. This computer is the first digital computer with a magnetic RAM core.

    The COBOL programming language is critical to the success of many companies. This language was created by the CODASYL.
  • First Desktop

    First Desktop
    The first desktop computer was the Programma 101, invented by Peir Georgio Perotto. About 44,000 of these computers were sold at the price of $3,400.
  • First computer-to-computer link

    First computer-to-computer link
    The first computer-to-computer link was established by ARPANET. ARPANET stands for Advanced Reserch Projects Agency Network.
  • C Programming Language

    C Programming Language
    The C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie and Bell Labs. The C language was developed to implement the UNIX operating system.
  • The first web browser

    The first web browser
    The first web browser was created by Sir Tim Burners-Lee. This web browser is called WorldWideWeb but, was later named Nexus.
  • The first search engine

    The first search engine
    The first search engine was created by a college student at McGill University named Alan Emtage. This web browser is called Arthie.
  • Wifi

    Wifi is a recently developed conputer network. Wifi allows wireless technology to WLAN network using 2.5 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz SHF ISM radio bands.
  • Javascript Programming Language

    Javascript Programming Language
    Javascript was in 10 days by Brendan Eich. Before Javascript was 'Javascript' it was called Mocha.
  • Ruby programming language

    Ruby programming language
    Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto developed Ruby, a carefully balenced language. Matz created Ruby by blending his favorite languages languages Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp.