• Audience research/main task/ music magazine (planning/evaluation)

    gather audience comments and feedback on your music magazine
  • Planning the project: production schedule

    producing a production schedule for the foundation portfolio, to help organise my time for the project
  • Audience Feedback and Evaluation- preliminary task/college magazine

    gather your audience comments and feedback on your college magazine-using the feedback to evaluate on my production
  • Research/case studies planning

    decide the genre of the music to work with for my magazine project. carry on a research into magazine of this genre
  • Preliminary Task: lsc magazine planning

    producing pages for a college magazine using photoshop and indesign
  • Magazine newsstand task/ distribution of magazines

    go to newstand may be newsagent or supermarket have a look at music magazine titles where and how have they been placed take some pics and upload
  • Drafting and finalizing house styles, drafts and layouts

    write a short proposal for my magazine should include how my mag links to the case study in task 2
  • audience research task

    evaluate the audience feedback from the pitch from the focus groups. make changes to plan as per feedback
  • photography construction

    take pictures for our own music magazine
    minimum of four original pics
  • desk top publishing and editing your music magazine

    front cover, contents page and dps needs to be complete and iploaded to website by 29th november
  • audience research main task/music magazine(planning/evaluation)

    gather audience commnets and feedback of music magazine
  • planning and evaluation

    this element is important and worth 20%of coursework
  • creating the evaluation

    be marked according to how appropriate your chosen technologies are
  • deadline

    All foundation portfolioto be complete an uploaded by