Period: to
AS Media Coursework
Practise Double Page Spread
Induction assignment task three: Top publishing and Journalism about whether or not technology changed music magazines. -
Planning the project: production schedule (Planning)
Research/Case studies or real music magazines need to be submited and uploaded
Week beginning 28th September 2015 -
Preliminary Task: LSC magazine (planning)
College magazine needs to be complete and ready to present andsubmit week commencing 5th October. Faliure to do so results in loss of 15 marks out of a total of 100 for the coursework. -
Audience feed back and evaluation - preliminary task/ college magazine
audience comment for the college magazine done on survey monkey or similar. -
Magazine newsstand task/ distribution of magazines (planning)
Go to a newsstand and take pictures of music magazine front covers and upload to blog. Research other magazine distribution types (media technology). -
Drafting and finalizing house styles, drafts and layouts
Audience research task
Photography (Construction)
Rough draft of three pages of my magazine
Desk top publishing and editing my music magazine
Sudience research - main task / music magazine (planning/ evaluation)
Planning the evaluation (evaluation)
Creating the Evaluation ( Evaluation)