Art History

By LettyR
  • 1386

    Donatello (ca. 1386 - 1466)

    Donatello (ca. 1386 - 1466)
    -St. Mark. 1413
    -Bruncelleschi’s friend, also an unkempt bachelor
    -Worked for the Medici family
    -Very prolific
    -Made illusions with perspective
  • 1409

    " David"

    " David"
    by Donatello
  • 1440

    David, bronze

    David, bronze
    -First nude
    -Pre-teen Dionysis
    -Sexual, androgynous
    -Feather in the back
    -Contraposto (asymmetrical arrangement of the
    human figure)
    -Placed in the Medici courtyard
    “Behold, a boy overcomes the great tyrant. A conquer, o citizens.”
  • 1445

    Fra. (Beato) Angelico, The Annunciation,

    Fra. (Beato) Angelico, The Annunciation,
  • 1447

    Andrea del Castagno,

    Andrea del Castagno,
    "Last Supper"
    fresco, Florence,
  • 1450

    Pitti Tondo,

    Pitti Tondo,
    Filippo Lippi,
    -Usually a gift to high society woman after birth
    -Pomegranate to symbolize blood
  • 1453

    , Gallamelatta, Padua, completed in

    , Gallamelatta, Padua, completed in
  • 1455

    Filippo Lipi, Madonna and Child with angels,

    Filippo Lipi, Madonna and Child with angels,
    Tempra on wood
  • 1470

    Andrea del Verrochio,

    Andrea del Verrochio,
    Bronze. Florence.
  • 1472

    A.Verrochio and Leonardo

    A.Verrochio and Leonardo
    "the Baptism of Christ"
    Tempera and oil on wood
  • 1473

    Leonardo da Vinci,

    Leonardo da Vinci,
    "The Annunciation"
  • 1474

    Andrea Montegna,

    Andrea Montegna,
    Camera Deghi Spoci, Fresco,
    -Trompe l’Oeil
    -Di Sotto in Su (from above, up)
    -Peacock of marriage
  • 1475

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Gionerva de Benci
    oil on wood
  • 1480


    " Last Supper"
  • 1482

    Alessandro “Sandro” Boticelli,

    Alessandro “Sandro” Boticelli,
    "Birth of Venus"
    -Tempera on wood -Ovid, “Metamorpheses”
    -“Go-to” for mythology
    -Aurora - Goddess of Early Morning
    -Zepher - God of Wind
    -3 Graces of Aphrodite
    Commission for Medici
  • 1483

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    "Study of the Angel’s head in The Virgin on the Rocks"
  • 1483

    Leonardo Da Vinci,

    Leonardo Da Vinci,
    "Madonna of the Rocks", Louvre, Paris,
    -San Francesco Grande, Milan
    -Sfumata (smokey)
    -Pyramidal composition
    -Arm around St. John
    -Botany, geology, anatomy, chiaroscuro
    -Beginning of High Renaissance
    -Credited with first painting of nature
  • 1484

    Sandro Boticelli,

    Sandro Boticelli,
    "La Primavera"
    Tempera on wood
  • 1487

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    "Vitruvian Man"
  • 1490

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    "Grotesque heads"
  • 1490

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    , "Lady with Ermine", oil on wood
    16 or 17 years old
    Ludovico’s mistress
  • 1492

    Lorenzo Il Magnifico born 1449

    Lorenzo Il Magnifico born 1449
    -Golden age for the Medici
    -Mutilation of enemies
    -Destroyed a town
    -Poet, patron, diplomat
    -Neo-platonic Academy
    -Takes in Michelangelo
    -Humanist Scholar
    -M. Ficino, P. della Mirandella, A. Poliziano
    Patronage was public relations
  • 1498

    Savonarola (1452-

    Savonarola (1452-
    Dominican monk
    “Fiery Sermons”
    -“Florence will be the new Jerusalem.”
    -“Bonfire of Vanities”
    Collections of “sins”
  • 1498

    Leonardo Da Vinci, ,

    Leonardo Da Vinci, ,
    The Last Supper, Louvre, Fresco
    -Bronze equestrian statue never finished
    -Oil + Tempera
    -Flaking within the first 10 years
    1726 Restoration
    -Mold on walls, covered with curtains
    -Napoleon’s army
    -Allied bombings during WW2
    -No halo to humanize
    -1 point perspective (Everything goes to Him)
  • 1500

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    "Study of Nutcracker man + youth"
  • 1501

    Andrea Mantegna (a. 1431 - 1506),

    Andrea Mantegna (a. 1431 - 1506),
    "Dead Christ"
  • 1505

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    , Mona Lisa (La Giaconda), Louvre, . Oil on wood.
    -Much darker now and painting was once wider
    50 good copies exist
    -Stolen in 1911 by Vincenzo “Macaroni” Petrugia
    -Patriotic duty
    -Made tour of USA in 1962
    -Lisa di Maria Ghecodini, 24
    -Wife at Francesco de Giacondo
    -Vasari writes about her eyebrows
    -Engages the view psychologically
    “The Cult of the Mona Lisa
  • 1519

    Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-

    Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-
    -San Piero da Vinci
    -Andrea de Verrochio
    -Disliked sculpture
    “La Pittura est la poetria visuale”
    -Not prolific (20 paintings)
    -Vegetarian, played the lute, hated seeing birds in cages, GAY
    -“Renaissance Man”
    Engineering, optics, hydralics, anatomy, zoology, architecture, botony, flight, psychologist, cartoonist, helicopter, tank, sculpture