1 month
Lifts head and turns from side to side when placed on stomach Coos and Babbles Gains info throgh senses -
Period: to
Developmental year
2 months
makes sounds such as ohh and aah Eyes can follow moving objects -
3 months
Lifts head and chest when on stomach Can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar faces -
month 4
grasps rattle Turns to sound of familiar voices -
month 5
Knows positive speech from negative speech Studies objects carefully -
month 6
Passes block from one hand to the other -
month 7
Stands with assistance Tries to imitate sounds made by adults Imitates the actions of others -
month 8
Looks at objects with sustained attention -
month 9
Puts objects in containers Responds to NO and own name Looks for dropped objects -
month 10
Crawls well -
month 11
Walks while holding onto furniture Uses the words dada and mama to refer to specific people Can point to and identify objects in books -
month 12
stands alone for short time