areas of development

  • birth-3 months

    birth-3 months
    *watches your face when you speak
    *cries to express hunger, anger, pain, or discomfort
  • 1 month (physical development)

    1 month (physical development)
    *focus on object about 10 inches to up to 3 feet away
  • Period: to

    baby time line

  • interest

    *babies watch their mother very closely. often, this is the first sign of interest in babies
  • 4-6 months

    4-6 months
    *babbling sounds more like speach with different sounds
    *voices exciement and displeasure
  • 1-2 moths (intellectual development)

    1-2 moths (intellectual development)
    *perfers faces than objects
  • 2 month (physical development)

    2 month (physical development)
    *responds to more sounds and different pitches of voice
  • sadness

    *very young babies express discomfort or unhappiness by crying
  • 7 months-1 year

    7 months-1 year
    *babbling has a long and short groups of sounds
    *uses speech to get attention
    *imitates different speech sounds
    *says one or two words
  • 3 month (physical development)

    3 month (physical development)
    *lifts head and chest when on the stomach
  • joy

    *babies show joy by smiling, perhaps in response to an adult who is making funny faces at them.
  • 1-2 years

    1-2 years
    *adds more words to vocabulary each month
    *makes animal sounds
    *begins using pronouns
    *asks one to two word questions
    *puts two words together
  • 3-4 months (intellectual development)

    3-4 months (intellectual development)
    *can tell a frown from a smile
  • 4 month (physical development)

    4 month (physical development)
    *puts hands in mouth
  • disgust

    *babies begin to show their dislikes very clearly
  • 2-3 years

    2-3 years
    *has a word for almsot everything
    *uses to to three word sentances to talk about and ask
    *begins to use plurals
  • 5 moths (physical develop)

    5 moths (physical develop)
    *turns head in direction of sound
  • anger

    *babies show anger through crying. signs of anger may appear as early as three to six months of age.
  • 3-4 years

    3-4 years
    *talks about activities
    *usues four or more words sentances
  • 5-6 months (intellectual development)

    5-6 months (intellectual development)
    *recognizes own name
    *studies objects carefully
  • 6 month (physical development)

    6 month (physical development)
    *puts objects to mouth with hand
  • fear

    *babies show fear by turning away, and screaming, especially in response to strangers.
  • 4-5 years old

    4-5 years old
    *voice is clear
    *usues sentacnes with a lot of details
    *tells stories
    *says most sounds clearly
  • 7 month (pyshical development)

    7 month (pyshical development)
    *sits up steadily
  • 7-8 months (intellectual development)

    7-8 months (intellectual development)
    *imitates the actions of others
    *sorts object by size
  • 8 month (physical development)

    8 month (physical development)
    *pulls self up to stand
  • 9 month (physical development)

    9 month (physical development)
    *uses index finger to point
  • 9-10 months (intellectual development)

    9-10 months (intellectual development)
    *looks for odropped objects
  • 10 month (physical development)

    10 month (physical development)
    *crawls well
  • 11-12 months (intellectual development)

    11-12 months (intellectual development)
    *can pont to and identify objects in books