Crusade 1-9 - timeline

By bee man
  • 1095

    1st crusade

    What happened
    4 crusader armies from western Europe combine with eastern Christian Byzantines to defeat Seljuks (Sunni) Muslims in Turkey and then claim victories marching east through Syria and Palestine to Jerusalem where slaughtered Shi'ite Muslims and take Holy Land in 1099 key places:
    Nicea in Anatolia region,

    Turkey and Jerusale key people:
    Pope Urban II – not a sin to kill non believers so by purging Jerusalem of Muslims, Knights
  • 1147

    2nd crusade

    what happened:
    Since 1130, Muslims in Holy War with Christians and Holy Land shrinking so Crusaders attacked Damascus and hold until 1154 when Syrian Muslims retake the city under Nur-al-Din Who was involved:
    Pope Eugene's call for 2nd crusade lead by King Louis VII and Emperor Conrad III against Nur-al-Din Where did it happen:
  • 1187

    3rd Crusade

    What happened:
    Since 1169, Saladin expanding Muslim control taking back Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187 and destroying Crusader army. Kings and western Europeans take up arms, fighting until Richard I and Saladin sign peace treaty in 1192 letting pilgrims access Jerusalem Who was involved:
    Emperor Barbarossa

    King Phillip II and King Richard I verse Saladin Where did it happen:
    Holy Land
  • 1204

    4th Crusade

    What happened:
    Muslims take control of Anatolia, the majority of the crusader leadership entered into an agreement with the Byzantine prince Alexis Angelo's to redirect to Constantinople and restore Isaac ll as emperor. The intention of the crusaders was then to continue to the Holy Land with promised Byzantine financial and military assistance Who was involved:
    Pope Innocent III struggles from 1198 to get Christian Emperor in Anatolia
    Alexius​ 3rd

    isaac ll
  • 1216

    5th Crusade

    What happened:
    Crusaders attack Egypt but surrender to Muslim defenders
    Who strategically plan an attack Who was involved:
    Pope Innocent III versus Al-Malik-al-Kamil Where did it happen:
    Egypt, holy land and jeruselum
  • 1229

    6th Crusade

    What happened:
    Fredrick negotiates the transfer of Jerusalem to Crusaders – truce lasts 10 years Who was involved?
    Emperor Fredrick II versus Al-Malik-al-Kamil Where did it happen:
  • 1248

    7th crusade

    What happened:
    Unsuccessful Crusade against Egypt in an attempt to take the Holyland, this was an attempt to take an alternate route to strategically take holy land Where did it happen:
    Egypt, the holy land Who was involved:
    Louis IX
  • 1270

    8th + 9th crusades

    What happened:
    Islamic Empire based in Egypt since 1260 takes Syrian cities successfully Where did it happen:
    Tunisia and Parts of Syria Who was involved:
    Ottoman Empire rises and Edward I of England