
Apartheid Timeline

  • Founding of the ANC

    Founding of the ANC
    Originally called the South African Native National Congress. The ANC is a national liberation movement. It was formed in 1912 to unite the African people and spearhead the struggle for fundamental political, social and economic change. The ANC's key objective is the creation of a united, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic society.
  • Congress Youth League Found

    Congress Youth League Found
    Nick Gombart, Ashley Peter Mda, Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and Oliver Tambo marked the rise of a new generation of leadership of South Africa's black African population. By the end of the 1940s, the Youth League had gained control of the African National Congress. It called for civil disobedience and strikes in protest at the hundreds of laws associated with the new apartheid system
  • Defiance Campaign

    Defiance Campaign
    In 1948 People saw that the ANC was abandoning traditional reliance on tactics of moderation such as petitions and deputations. Walter Sisulu was elected secretary-general and a number of Youth Leaguers were elected to the national executive. The period 50 to 52 began with a commitment to militant African nationalism and mass action and to tactics of boycotts, strikes and civil disobedience.
  • Albert Luthuli wins the Nobel Peace Prize

    Albert Luthuli wins the Nobel Peace Prize
    Recieved his award in 1961 but if was for 1960. The award was awarded to him one year after he "got it." Leader of ten million black Africans in their nonviolent campaign for civil rights in South Africa. Supported by a mother who was determined that he get an education, went to the local Congregationalist mission school for his primary work.
    Was a zulu, politician, and teacher.
  • Sharpville Massacre

    Sharpville Massacre
    Without warning, South African police at Sharpeville, an African township of Vereeninging, shot into a crowd of about 5,000 unarmed anti-pass protesters, killing at least 69 people – many of them shot in the back – and wounding more than 200. Police were not blamed for the killings. No one testified against the police so they got off easy.
  • Spear of the Nation formed

    Spear of the Nation formed
    Umkhonto we Sizwe (or MK), translated "Spear of the Nation," was the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC) which fought against the South African apartheid government. It was subsequently classified as a terrorist organization by the South African government. This was the date of its first guerrilla attack.
    Protection because they were scared that the sharpeville massecre would happen again.
  • Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison

    Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison
    Nelson Mandela received a life sentence for committing sabotage against South Africa’s apartheid government. He was the leader of the ANC, had been arrested in 1956 on treason charges, but was acquitted. On 5 August, 1962 Mandela was arrested after living on the run for seventeen months, and was imprisoned in the Johannesburg Fort. The arrest was made possible because the U.S. CIA allegedly tipped off the security police as to Mandela's whereabouts and disguise.
  • The Soweto Uprising

    The Soweto Uprising
    brutal and violent riots against aparthied. Native speakers started taking classes and being taught in Africaans. People hated being taught in the language of their oppressors.
  • Steve Biko dies in police custody

    Steve Biko dies in police custody
    arrested in august for terrorist activity. Died from violent actions by the police while he was incarcerated.
  • Desmond Tutu wins the Nobel Prize

    Desmond Tutu wins the Nobel Prize
    Won the award for his non-violent work against the aparthied. he fought for equal cival rights and the abolition of the aparthied.
    1. equal civil rights for all
    2. the abolition of s. Africa's passport laws
    3. a common system of education
    4. the forced deportation from S. Africa to so-called "homelands" (bantusans)
  • Nelson Mandela released from prison

    Nelson Mandela released from prison
    nelson mandela was released from prison after promising to be released in 1989. the president who planed to release him was kicked out and another man took his job and released mandela.
  • Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa

    Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa
    Nelson Mandela becomes the president of south Africa 30 years after he was sentenced to life in prison.