Discovered Diamonds in South Africa
Included South Africa in the global economy -
Gold Discovered in South Africa
Integrated South Africa in the global economy -
Defeat of the Boers
Defeat of the Boers in the Anglo-Boer or South African War (1899–1902), -
South Africa Act
the Union of South Africa was created as a dominion of the British Empire -
Natives' Land Act
Reserved 93 percent (revised to 87 percent in 1936) of the land in South Africa for whites; it prevented Africans—two-thirds of the population at the time—from freely buying land. 1913 Land Act beginning of territorial segregation by forcing black Africans to live in reserves and making it illegal for them to work as sharecroppers -
National Party Established
Period: to
World War II
Beginning of Apartheid - National Party Established Control
Founding of Afrikaner Broederbond
Secret organization for the advancement of Afrikaners - Presidents and Prime Ministers were members from 1948- end of Apartheid -
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
Group Areas Act
Furthered segregation - classified the population according to race -
The Population Registration Act
Classified the races -
Immorality Amendment Act
Separate Representation of Voters Act
Defiance Campaign
ANC began the Defiance Campaign -
Rwandan Genocide
Congress of the People adopted a Freedom Charter
Resistance to Apartheid was growing -- charter claimed South Africa belonged to all who lived in it
https://www.apartheidmuseum.org/sites/default/files/files/downloads/Learners%20book%20Chapter4.pdf -
The Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act
Tried to break down the black majority by reestablishing tribal affiliations -
South Africa Excluded from the Olympics
Sharpeville Massacre
The Organisation of African Unity
Mandela Jailed
Malcom X Speaks at The Organisation of African Unity Summit
American Civil Rights Act
Black Power Speech - Carmichael
Ghana Independence
Olympics - Black Power Salute
Mexico City - Tommie Smith and John Carlos -
Forced Relocation of South Africans
UN Security Council Denounced Apartheid
Soweto Uprising
Harvard Protests Against Apartheid
Period: to
State of Emergency - Township Revolts
Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act
United States placed economic sanctions on South Africa -
Japan and the EU imposed Economic Sanctions on South Africa
Disinvestment Campaigns at American Colleges
Michigan State & Stanford & Vassar are noteworthy examples -
Collapse of the Berlin Wall
F. W. de Klerk as President of South Africa
assumption of the South African presidency by F. W. de Klerk in 1989 -
Mandela Released from Jail
Henrik De Klerk Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Mandela Inaugurated
Democratic Election marks the end of South African Apartheid -
Adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
Period: to
Michigan State University "Overcoming Apartheid" "http://overcomingapartheid.msu.edu/index.php South African History online "http://www.sahistory.org.za/article/history-apartheid-south-africa" History.com "http://www.history.com/topics/apartheid" The History of Apartheid in South Africa from Stanford "http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201/apartheid.hist.html" BBC on Apartheid "http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/apartheid/" Apartheid Museum "https://www.apartheidmuseum.org/"